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Wall Art For Bedroom Decor Inspiring Ideas and Tips: Creating a Dreamy Escape

Welcome to our aricle on using Wall Art to elevate your bedroom decor with inspiring ideas and valuable tips. Your bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it's your personal sanctuary, a space that should reflect your style and provide a serene retreat after a long day.

Wall art has the incredible ability to transform a room, adding personality, depth, and charm. In this guide, we'll explore various ways to incorporate wall art into your bedroom decor to create a dreamy and inviting ambiance.

From selecting the perfect artwork that resonate with your taste and emotions to arranging them strategically for maximum impact, we've got you covered. We'll delve into different art styles, color palettes, and placement techniques that will help you achieve a harmonious and stylish bedroom.

Whether you're aiming for a minimalist, bohemian, modern, or romantic look, wall art can be your secret weapon to take your bedroom decor to the next level. So, let your creativity flow, and let the art you choose reflect your unique personality, creating a space that truly feels like home.

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How to Choose the Perfect Wall Art for Your Bedroom Decor

Selecting the best wall art decor for your bedroom decor involves a thoughtful and creative process to ensure that it complements your space and reflects your style. Here are some essential tips to guide you:

1. Define Your Bedroom Style: Start by understanding the overall style and ambiance you want to create in your bedroom. Whether it's modern, rustic, bohemian, or minimalist, identifying your bedroom's theme will help you narrow down art options that align with your vision.

2. Consider the Size and Proportion: Measure the available wall space to determine the appropriate size for your wall art. Large artworks can be striking focal points, while smaller pieces can be grouped to create a cohesive gallery.

3. Reflect on the Mood: Think about the atmosphere you want to evoke in your bedroom. Serene landscapes, calming abstracts, or romantic scenes can set the desired mood and add depth to your space.

4. Harmonize with Colors: Take into account your bedroom's color scheme. Choose wall art that complements or contrasts with the existing colors to create visual harmony. Bold or subtle tones can influence the overall ambiance.

5. Connect Emotionally: Select art that resonates with you emotionally. Whether it's a subject matter close to your heart or an artwork that sparks positive emotions, personal connection adds meaning to your bedroom decor.

6. Mix and Match Styles: Don't be afraid to mix different art styles for a diverse and dynamic display. Combining photography, paintings, prints, and sculptures can add layers of interest to your bedroom walls.

7. Pay Attention to Framing: Consider the framing and matting of the artwork. The right frame can elevate the presentation and complement the style of your bedroom decor.

8. Placement and Focus: Decide on the focal point and placement of the wall art. Above the bed, as a centerpiece, or as part of a gallery arrangement are popular options. Ensure that the placement enhances the overall aesthetic.

Texture and Material: Explore different textures and materials in wall art, such as canvas, metal, wood, or fabric. Textured artworks can add tactile interest to your bedroom walls.

Personal Touch: Consider incorporating personal touches, such as custom-made art, family photographs, or sentimental mementos. These add a unique and intimate aspect to your bedroom decor.

Budget Considerations: Set a budget for your wall art selection and explore options within your price range. Affordable pieces can still make a significant impact on your bedroom's aesthetics.


  1. Defining Your Bedroom Style

Defining your bedroom style is the first step in selecting the perfect wall art decor that complements your space and reflects your taste. Here are some popular bedroom styles and their defining characteristics:

Modern: A modern bedroom style is characterized by clean lines, sleek furniture, and a minimalist approach. The color palette is often neutral with bold accent colors. Wall art for a modern bedroom can include abstract paintings geometric prints, or black-and-white photography. 

Rustic: A rustic bedroom style exudes warmth and coziness with natural elements and textures. Wooden furniture, exposed beams, and earthy tones dominate this style. Wall art for a rustic bedroom can include landscape paintings, botanical prints, or vintage-inspired artwork. 

Bohemian: A bohemian bedroom style embraces an eclectic mix of patterns, colors, and textures. It's a free-spirited and vibrant style with a focus on self-expression. Wall art for a bohemian bedroom can include dreamcatchers, tapestries, or an arrangement of eclectic art pieces. 

Minimalist: A minimalist bedroom style prioritizes simplicity, clean lines, and clutter-free spaces. It's about creating a calming and serene environment. Wall art for a minimalist bedroom can include simple line drawings, monochromatic prints, or calming abstract paintings. 

Romantic: A romantic bedroom style is soft and dreamy, with a focus on delicate fabrics and feminine touches. Pastel colors, floral patterns, and soft lighting define this style. Wall art for a romantic bedroom can include romantic landscapes, vintage-inspired artwork, or love quotes. 

Scandinavian: A Scandinavian bedroom style emphasizes simplicity, functionality, and natural elements. It often features light colors, clean lines, and cozy textures. Wall art for a Scandinavian bedroom can include nature-inspired prints, black-and-white photography, or simple abstract art. 

Industrial: An industrial bedroom style incorporates raw materials like metal and exposed brick. It has a rugged and urban aesthetic. Wall art for an industrial bedroom can include industrial-style prints, cityscape photography, or vintage signs.

Coastal: A coastal bedroom style brings the beach and ocean vibes indoors with soft blues, sandy neutrals, and nautical elements. Wall art for a coastal bedroom can include beach scene paintings, seashell prints, or ocean-inspired photography.

Identifying your bedroom style will guide you in selecting wall art that complements the overall look and feel of your space. Whether you lean towards a modern, rustic, bohemian, or any other style, let your wall art reflect your personal preferences and create a space that truly feels like home.

2. Consider the Size and Proportion

Considering the size and proportion of wall art is crucial to achieving a balanced and visually appealing bedroom decor. Here are some essential tips to help you select the right size and ensure proper proportion: 

Measure the Wall Space: Start by measuring the wall space where you plan to hang the wall art. This will give you a clear idea of the available area and help you determine the appropriate size for the artwork. 

Bed as a Reference Point: In the bedroom, it's common to center the wall art above the bed. A general rule of thumb is to choose an artwork that is about two-thirds the width of the headboard. This creates a visually pleasing proportion without overpowering the bed. 

Grouping Multiple Pieces: If you're considering a gallery wall or grouping multiple artworks, lay them out on the floor first to visualize the arrangement. Aim for a balanced composition that fills the space without feeling cluttered. 

Consider Furniture Placement:Take into account the furniture placement in the bedroom. Wall art should complement the furniture rather than obstruct or overwhelm it. Leave enough space around the artwork to allow the surrounding decor to shine. 

Create Visual Balance:Consider the visual weight of the artwork about other elements in the room. For instance, if you have a large, bold headboard, balance it with equally substantial wall art to maintain harmony. 

Ceiling Height Matters:Consider the height of your bedroom ceiling. If the ceilings are high, you can opt for larger and vertically oriented artwork to draw the eye upward and fill the space. For lower ceilings, horizontal art pieces can help create a sense of width. 

Layering with Furniture: If you have a dresser or a console table against the wall, consider placing smaller pieces of wall art above them. This layering effect adds dimension and visual interest to the decor. 

Statement vs. Complementing Pieces: Decide if you want the wall art to be a statement piece or to complement other elements in the room. A statement piece may be larger and more eye-catching while complementing pieces should harmonize with the overall decor. 

Don't Overcrowd: Avoid overcrowding the walls with too many small artworks. Instead, opt for a few well-chosen pieces that create a cohesive and impactful display. 

Consider the Bed Height:The height of the bed can also influence the placement of the wall art. Hang the artwork at eye level when you're standing, ensuring it's easily visible and accessible.

By carefully considering the size and proportion of wall art, you can create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing bedroom decor that complements the space and enhances the overall ambiance of your sanctuary.

  3. Reflect on the Mood for your Bedroom Decor 

Noho Art | Interior Design | Wall Art For Bedroom Decor

When selecting wall art for your bedroom decor, it's essential to reflect on the mood and atmosphere you want to create in your sanctuary. The right choice of wall art can significantly influence the ambiance and emotions evoked within your bedroom. Here are some considerations to help you achieve the desired mood: 

Serenity and Relaxation:If you want your bedroom to be a tranquil and calming retreat, choose wall art that exudes serenity. Landscape paintings, soothing abstracts, or nature-inspired prints can evoke a sense of peace and relaxation. 

Energetic and Vibrant:To infuse energy and vibrancy into your bedroom, opt for bold and expressive wall art. Bright and colorful abstracts or artwork featuring dynamic patterns can add a lively and energetic feel to your space.

Romantic and Intimate:For a romantic ambiance, select wall art that portrays love and intimacy. Romantic landscape paintings, vintage-inspired art, or artwork featuring couples can enhance the romantic mood of your bedroom. 

Motivation and Inspiration:If you desire a space that inspires and motivates you, consider wall art with motivational quotes or meaningful affirmations. Inspirational artwork can uplift your spirits and set a positive tone for your day.

Cozy and Comfortable: Choose wall art that exudes coziness to create a warm and welcoming ambiance. Soft colors, rustic prints, or paintings with texture can improve how cozy your bedroom seems.

Artistic and Eclectic: Pick wall art that reflects your creative side if you desire an eclectic and artistic bedroom. To create an expressive and visually appealing presentation, combine and contrast various artistic genres and media.

Remember that the mood you want to establish in your bedroom should align with your personal preferences and the overall theme of your space. Whether you desire serenity, energy, romance, or a blend of emotions, let your chosen wall art reflect your desired mood and create the perfect ambiance in your bedroom.

4. How to Harmonize Wall Art with Your Bedroom Decor

Noho Art | Interior Design | Wall Art for Bedroom Decor

Harmonizing the colors of your wall art with your bedroom decor is crucial to creating a cohesive and visually pleasing space. Here are some tips to help you achieve color harmony with your bedroom's wall art: 

Stick to Your Color Palette:  Identify the primary color palette of your bedroom decor and look for wall art that incorporates these colors. Whether you have a monochromatic, complementary, or analogous color scheme, choosing artwork that aligns with these colors ensures a harmonious look. 

Complementing Colors: Select wall art that complements the dominant colors in your bedroom. For instance, if your bedroom features neutral tones like beige and ivory, consider artwork with soft pastels or muted colors to create a serene and elegant ambiance.

Contrasting Colors: Pick wall art with contrasting colors to make a big statement and bring life to your bedroom. For instance, if the colors of your bedroom are neutral, artwork with splashes of vibrant hues like red or turquoise might serve as a striking focal point.

Balance between warm and cool tones: in the wall art in your bedroom. Add some cool-toned art with blues or greens to your decor if it features warm hues like reds and yellows to create visual harmony.

Consider Color Intensity: Be mindful of the intensity of colors in your wall art. If your bedroom has subtle and muted colors, opt for artwork with similar understated hues. On the other hand, if your decor is vibrant and bold, choose artwork with equally bold and striking colors. 

Use Paintings as an Accent: Let your wall art serve as an accent that complements other decorative elements in your bedroom. For instance, if you have to throw pillows or a rug with a particular color, find artwork that includes that color to tie everything together. 

Analyze the Artwork's Dominant Color: Examine the dominant color in your chosen wall art and ensure it harmonizes with the rest of your bedroom decor. If the artwork features multiple colors, look for one that aligns with the overall color scheme.

Consider Neutral Art: Neutral-colored wall art, such as black and white photography or grayscale prints, can blend seamlessly with any color palette. They offer versatility and can work well in various bedroom styles.

Personalize with Accent Colors: Use wall art with accent colors that resonate with your taste. Adding touches to your favorite colors can create a sense of individuality and personalization in your bedroom decor.


Remember that achieving color harmony is about finding a balance between complementing and contrasting colors. By carefully selecting wall art that harmonizes with your bedroom's color palette, you can create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing space that reflects your style and personality.


5. Connecting Emotionally with Wall Art for Your Bedroom Decor
When selecting wall art for your bedroom decor, connecting emotionally with the artwork can add a deeper level of meaning and personalization to your space. Emotionally resonant art can evoke positive feelings, memories, and sentiments every time you enter your bedroom. Here are some tips on how to choose wall art that connects with you emotionally: 

Choose Art That Reflects Your Interests: Select wall art that aligns with your passions and interests. Whether it's a subject matter that holds significance for you, such as travel, nature, or a hobby, surrounding yourself with art that reflects your interests can create a sense of connection. 

Capture Memorable Moments:Consider displaying photographs or artwork that captures memorable moments from your life. Family photos, vacation snapshots, or meaningful events can add a personal touch and remind you of cherished memories. 

Art That Elicits Emotions:Look for wall art that evokes specific emotions or feelings. Serene landscapes can promote relaxation, while vibrant abstracts can inspire creativity. Choose art that aligns with the emotional ambiance you want to create in your bedroom. 

Showcase Personal Creations:If you are artistically inclined, consider displaying your creations as wall art. DIY artworks, paintings, or drawings can add a unique and sentimental touch to your bedroom decor. 

Symbolic Artwork:Select artwork that holds symbolic meaning for you. Whether it's a symbol of luck, hope, or a meaningful quote, having symbolic art in your bedroom can serve as a daily reminder of your values and aspirations. 

Art with Sentimental Value:Incorporate art pieces that have been passed down through generations or gifted by loved ones. These pieces carry sentimental value and can make your bedroom feel even more special and connected to your family history. 

Art That Sparks Joy: Marie Kondo's philosophy of "sparking joy" can be applied to wall art as well. Choose pieces that bring a smile to your face and uplift your spirits every time you see them. 

Art That Represents Growth and Aspirations:Select artwork that symbolizes growth, progress, or aspirations. These pieces can serve as visual reminders of your goals and encourage you to pursue them.

Remember that emotional connection with your bedroom's wall art can contribute to a more meaningful and soulful space. Trust your instincts and choose art that resonates with you making your bedroom a place of comfort, inspiration, and emotional well-being.

7. How to Mix and Match Styles for Stunning Bedroom Decor

Mixing and matching art styles for your bedroom decor can create a visually captivating and personalized space that reflects your unique taste. Here are some tips on how to successfully mix and match art styles for your bedroom: 

Define Your Theme:Start by establishing a theme or overall vibe for your bedroom decor. It could be modern, bohemian, eclectic, or any other style that resonates with you. Having a clear theme will help guide your art choices and maintain cohesiveness. 

Find a Common Element:Look for a common element that can tie different art styles together. It could be a color, subject matter, or even the frame style. Having a unifying factor will create a harmonious and balanced display. 

Combine Contrasting Styles:Mixing contrasting art styles can add a dynamic and intriguing look to your bedroom. For example, pair bold and colorful abstract art with classic black-and-white photography, or combine paintings with contemporary prints. 

Create a Gallery Wall:Gallery walls are a perfect opportunity to mix and match art styles. Combine various sizes, frames, and subjects to create a visually stunning and diverse gallery that tells a story.

Play with Scale:Experiment with different art sizes and scales to create visual interest. A large, eye-catching centerpiece can be surrounded by smaller complementary pieces, creating a focal point in your bedroom. 

Consider the Balance:Ensure a good balance between the different art styles you choose. Avoid overcrowding or overwhelming one area with too much variety. Aim for a harmonious and well-proportioned arrangement. 

Embrace Your Creativity:Don't be afraid to let your creativity shine. Feel free to add personal touches, DIY art, or unique finds that resonate with you and add a touch of originality to your bedroom decor. 

Seek Inspiration:Look for inspiration in magazines, interior design websites, or social media platforms. Seeing how other designers mix and match art styles can provide ideas and guidance for your own bedroom decor. 

Trust Your Intuition:Above all, trust your instincts and choose art that speaks to you personally. Your bedroom is your sanctuary, and the art you select should make you feel happy, inspired, and at ease.

Mixing and matching art styles for your bedroom decor allows you to curate a space that reflects your personality and individuality. By combining various art pieces, you can create a bedroom that is uniquely yours and visually captivating.


Related: Minimalist Bedroom Ideas and Tips For a Tranquil Space: Creating Serenity

8. The Art of Choosing the Perfect Framing for Your Bedroom Decor
When selecting wall art for your bedroom decor, paying attention to framing is crucial to enhance the overall presentation and complement the style of your space. Here are some tips on how to choose the right framing for your wall art:
Material Matters:Consider the material of the frame. Wood frames add warmth and a traditional touch, while metal frames provide a modern and sleek appearance. Choose a material that aligns with your bedroom's style.
Color Coordination:Ensure that the frame's color complements the artwork and coordinates with your bedroom's color scheme. A well-chosen frame can tie the entire look together and create visual harmony.

Matting Options:If your wall art requires matting, carefully select the mat color and size. Matting adds depth and provides a buffer between the artwork and the frame. Opt for neutral or complementary colors to enhance the artwork's impact.
Size and Proportions:The frame's size should correspond to the artwork's dimensions and the available wall space. Ensure that the proportions are balanced to avoid overwhelming or underwhelming the visual impact.
Gallery-Style Frames:For a gallery wall or multiple art pieces displayed together, consider using frames with a consistent style and color. This creates a cohesive and curated look for your bedroom decor.
Floating Frames:Floating frames can add a modern and elegant touch to your wall art. They create the illusion that the artwork is floating within the frame, adding a unique and contemporary appeal.
Ornate or Simple Frames:Choose between ornate and intricate frames or simple and minimalistic frames, depending on your bedroom's style. Ornate frames can add a touch of elegance, while simple frames maintain a clean and modern look.
UV Protection and Glass Options:If your artwork will be exposed to natural light, consider using frames with UV protection to prevent fading over time. Additionally, choose between regular glass or acrylic for added durability and safety.
Custom Framing: For special or valuable art pieces, consider investing in custom framing. Custom frames ensure a perfect fit and offer various options to suit your specific preferences.
DIY Framing: If you enjoy hands-on projects, consider framing your artwork yourself. DIY framing allows you to personalize the process and choose frames that best complement your bedroom's decor.
Remember that framing is an essential part of the overall presentation of your wall art. The right frame can elevate the impact of your artwork and transform your bedroom into a well-curated and aesthetically pleasing space.
9. Placement and Focus of Wall Art for Your Bedroom Decor

This post first appeared on Noho Art & Home Decor, please read the originial post: here

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Wall Art For Bedroom Decor Inspiring Ideas and Tips: Creating a Dreamy Escape


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