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Genotype Compatibility -By Dunama David Dumayo


Genotype is the total sum of genes transferred from parents to offspring or a  complete set of heritable genes that can be transferred to the offsprings from its parents.

In the olden days people lived with the ignorance of not knowing their genetics as a result of insufficient knowledge about genes and lack of  technology.

However, the modern world is now technologically advanced and sophisticated, it is paramount as an  individual to know your genetoype at early stage to save your future children the worry about genotype compatibility.

There are four hemoglobin genotypes (hemoglobin pairs/formations) in humans: AA, AS, SS and AC (uncommon). SS and AC are the abnormal genotypes or the sickle cells. We all have a specific pair of these hemoglobin in our blood which we inherited from both parents.

Knowing one’s  genotype before choosing a life partner is important because there may be compatibility issues which could have devastating effects when it comes to conception.

Individuals with sickle cells experience severe pains in body parts where oxygen flow is compromised due to blockage in the blood vessels.Fifty percent of patients with sickle cell anemia survived beyond the fifth decade

There is need for people to be educated on genotype compatibility, such information should not be concealed to the public, so as to curtail the occurrences of sickle cell anemia (SS) on future generations both in schools, hospital and religious bodies.

Knowing one’s  genotype at  early stage is advisable not only when it comes to choosing a life partner. Genotype is your complete heritable genetic identity.

Some important tips to know about genotype

AA can marry anybody

AS is better off with AA

AS and AS, AS and AC are too risky

Two sickle cells = avoid conception

Dunama David Dumayo writes from University of MAIDUGURI.

The post Genotype Compatibility -By Dunama David Dumayo first appeared on Africans Angle.

This post first appeared on Africans Angle, please read the originial post: here

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Genotype Compatibility -By Dunama David Dumayo
