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A Personal Growth Blog Blog

Christian shares fun brain, body & business tips with a side order of poetry @
Is AI Art Stealing The Show?
Is AI Art Stealing the Show? Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming creative fields, and art is no exception. AI art generators are creating everything from… Read More
100% FREE Image Upscaler
100% FREE image upscaler You know I love you, right? No. Okay. Let me prove it. As an artist I have searched high and low for a 100% free tool that can blow up an image without… Read More
Train Poem
Train They sat on a train, Windows splattered with rain. They sat on a train, Carriages jolted again and again. They watched the train slow, Morning sun defrosted the sn… Read More
Not Just Another Color Poem
Not Just Another Color Poem I wish we could find a new magical color, One that unites so we don't fight one another. A color so perfect that not one race could deny, We're the sa… Read More
Things Will Never Be The Same Again...
Spoiler Alert: I have moved to To those who have followed me for a while, I feel I owe you an explanation as to my new life direction. Over the last few mon… Read More
Foreboding Penguins
Foreboding Penguins It’s the way they waddle It’s the way they shuffle From side to side From heel to toe Foreboding penguins Have no place to go It’s the way t… Read More
Be Grateful Not Hateful
Be Grateful Not Hateful... This life quote came to me this morning (and yes, for those of you who know me well, it happened in the shower which is where I get a lot of my inspiration ԅ… Read More
First time here? First step is to click the image to read my hello message. It helps explains why you might want to keep coming back here to improve your life and watch me try and do the sa… Read More
Bramble Love Letter
Bramble Love Letter Oh bramble how I adore your curved prick Oh bramble you are so awkwardly wild Oh bramble how I enjoy your fruitiness Oh bramble you’re mother nature’s… Read More
5 Habits For A Longer Life
5 Habits for a Longer Life One key message that I want all people under 20 years of age to fully realise, is they must start staying healthy immediately. They mustn't think they… Read More
How To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene
How to improve your sleep hygiene: Sleep is essential for our physical and mental health. When we don't get enough sleep, we're more likely to get sick, make poor decisions, and ha… Read More
Do You Have Dyslexia
Do you do this too? Take a look at what I tweeted earlier today. Do you notice anything? #Age is just a number, right? If you are over 30 do you feel #old? Do you know the age your… Read More
Life Is A Treasure Hunt
Why a treasure hunt? You think I have definitely lost the plot now don't you. What the heck has life got to do with a treasure hunt? Okay bear with me whilst I explain… Read More

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A personal growth blog
