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Yobe State: Boko Haram insurgents attack Customs office, kill operative


Suspected Boko Haram insurgents have reportedly attacked an office of the Nigeria Customs Service in Geidam town, Geidam Local Government Area of Yobe State, killing one operative, Usman Gombe.

According to a security source “the insurgents stormed the Customs office along Maine Soroa Road, in a Volkswagen Golf and a Land Rover around 10pm, on Saturday, and started shooting. They struck when they were sure the Customs officers had retired home. Panicked by the rain of bullets, the officers scampered for safety; some escaped through the gate, while others scaled the fence.

“Unfortunately, one of the officers, Usman Gombe, was shot dead, while attempting to climb the fence. They also burnt down the Customs patrol van, a generator, and part of the office building.”

The post Yobe State: Boko Haram insurgents attack Customs office, kill operative first appeared on Opinion Nigeria.

This post first appeared on Opinion Nigeria, please read the originial post: here

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Yobe State: Boko Haram insurgents attack Customs office, kill operative
