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Get God Involved -By Funmi Komolafe


Brethren, in few days, we would be saying bye-bye to the month of October. This also means we are getting closer to the end of year 2023. May God keep us till the end of this year and beyond in Jesus name.

Many of us have testified to amazing blessings of the LORD this year but there are still others who are waiting for their turn to testify.

If your marriage is still intact, don’t take it for granted. Some have had theirs broken up due not entirely to their fault as individuals but due to the influence of forces beyond them.

Marriages with children have broken up; those without children have broken up.

If yours is still intact even as you wait on the Lord, then you have reasons to thank God.

Brethren, you may have spent so much money on medical tests to determine your fitness for reproduction.

You went to hear something and you must have been told something. Sometimes you are told nothing is wrong with both of you. Though this not common.

Brethren, either you were told something or not, shift your focus to the LORD.

Physical efforts are good but they yield better results when God is involved. Many scientists do not play up the God factor but they also know that science has limitations.

However our God has no limitation. Nothing is impossible with God. You must have heard that said many times.

Brethren, you need to ask yourself why those fertility tablets aren’t making you conceive. Or why has IVF continuously failed in your own case.

For couples that continuously suffer miscarriage despite medical attention in highbrow clinics, such a couple needs to ask why?

The answer is simple; you have not gotten God involved. When God is involved, there would be no more failure, no more tears of sorrow, and no more lamentation. With the presence of God in the steps you are taking, the results are celebration, joy, favour, and thanksgiving among others.

However, it must be stated that the result you receive depends on the steps you take.

Brethren, it doesn’t matter what the issue is; you need to get God involved. Is it about getting married, securing a good job, healing or whatever you desire that is in line with the word of God, the solution is simple, get God involved.

Let’s consider the life of Isaac and Rebekah.

According to Bible record, in Genesis 25 verses 21, 22&24:

“ And Isaac intreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived”.

Isaac here did not view barrenness as an issue for the woman alone. He got involved through prayers. We need not state that like many couples today, Isaac and Rebekah had met severally without conception but when Isaac got involved by relating to God in prayers, God answered speedily.

Brother, stop thinking that inability to conceive is an issue for the woman only. Even with science, men also have medical issues that delay conception.

You need to also cry to God if you want to be a father. Isaac got the LORD involved and he got an answer beyond his imagination.

Verses 22 &24 attest to this. “And the children struggled together within her; and she said, if it be so, why am I thus? And she went to inquire of the LORD”.

Note that though she was pregnant, she was uncomfortable then she went to ask the LORD. She got God involved and she was told that there were two nations in her womb.

As stated in verse 24: “And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb”.

As the mother of the first set of twins, she delivered safely because, she got God involved.

Brethren human efforts are never enough. When it produces results, God is involved.

No wonder Hannah said in 1st Samuel 2 vs. 9: “ He will keep the feet of the saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail”.

Her rival mocked Hannah. She had a husband who loved her, met with her but didn’t pray for her. All her human efforts to conceive failed. Her testimony arrived when she got God involved.

Beloved, in everything we do, we must get the LORD involved. Indeed, God first. Without which human efforts would fail.

Why do human efforts fail? In a number of cases, challenges have invisible roots and only the invisible God can bring an end to challenges.

In John 15 vs 5, the Lord Jesus said to us “ I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing”.

Brethren, the message is clear. You want to bear the fruits of the womb, Get God involved.

Another person that got God involved was Joseph. He was favoured wherever he found himself because he got God involved in his life.

Genesis 39 vs. 1-4: “ And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bough him of the hands of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither.

And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.

And his master saw that the LORD was with him, and that the LORD made all that he did to prosper in his hand.

And Joseph found grace in his sight, and he served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had put into his hand”.

When you get God involved in your journey of life, things would go on smoothly. Other people would see the glory of God in your life.

Once you get God involved and you remain with God, you will enjoy Grace.

A preacher once defined Grace as “God’s riches at the expense of Christ”.

In other words, Jesus came and went though sufferings and humiliation that your soul may be saved from condemnation.

Standing firm with God and keeping away from sins, is an assurance of eternal life. It is the key to overcome challenges of life.

Brethren, the challenges that you contending with may not be about child bearing. It could be challenges at work or even the challenge of not being engaged in any tangible work.

Get God involved and you will see the LORD in your life.

I’ll share this testimony at Laughter Foundation International Ministry to confirm to us that getting God involved is a sure road to testimony.

A lady of close to 50 years of age unmarried but desires to get married. She came to the church and began to obey all instructions. Though not a church worker because of the nature of her job, she never failed in her financial obligation to the church. She consistently paid her tithes, first fruit, offerings and made financial contributions to church projects.

Soon a man proposed to her and eventually, they got married. At her age, going by medical science conditions, conception would be difficult if not impossible because of menopause.

But because the God of possibility was involved in her case, she got pregnant.

Last week to the glory of God, the lady who came to church as a single gave birth to a set of twins, a boy and a girl.

The General Overseer, Pastor Gbenga Oso, shared her testimony.

Expectedly, the church roared with praises to God.

This testimony goes to confirm that when we get God involved, our story would end in Praise.

She came worried but she left with laughter.

It is your turn to testify.

Get God involved.


The post Get God Involved -By Funmi Komolafe first appeared on Opinion Nigeria.

This post first appeared on Opinion Nigeria, please read the originial post: here

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Get God Involved -By Funmi Komolafe
