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[Pro Guide] League of Legends Wild Rift 2023: Tier-list V4.3 - The Best Champions - MintoGame

July 18th, 2023 - The Wild Rift Tier list has been recently updated to patch 4.3, bringing adjustments to the tier rankings of various champions. Notably, Nilah has been added to the list.

For a successful start in Wild Rift, it's recommended to opt for meta champions. These champions are known for their strength, reliability, and ability to carry the team or hold their ground effectively. To assist you during champion selection, a comprehensive League of Legends: Wild Rift Tier list has been provided for each role.

This tier list is categorized according to specific roles. For instance, if you play as a top laner, focus on champions ideally suited for the top lane, such as Vayne. On the other hand, support players should consider choosing champions placed in the God-tier for the support role. 

Of course, there's room for experimenting with off-meta picks if you're confident in your ability to execute them! However, since the game is relatively new, there are still numerous unexplored possibilities.

For newcomers to the game, selecting one of the S tier champions is advisable. These champions are generally easier to play and hold considerable strength in the current meta, making it easier to secure victories.

Speaking of off-meta picks

Vayne, Seraphine, Malphite, and Lux deserve mention. While their kits are designed for specific roles, they can also excel in other positions. For instance, Vayne can be a formidable top laner, especially against tanky champions like Mundo. 

Seraphine becomes a potent pick in the mid lane if your team already has good engage and AD damage, as she offers sustain, crowd control, and significant damage. 

As for Malphite and Lux, they make excellent supports when paired with ADCs possessing crowd control abilities, like Ashe, Jhin (when ahead), or Varus, as this allows for strong all-ins once they hit level 6.

Top Lane Tier-List

In the realm of top lane champions, those marked with a steadfast S ranking possess the remarkable ability to hold their ground and emerge victorious in most 1v1 encounters and sometimes even when faced with a 1v2 situation. Among these formidable contenders, we have Malphite, whose expertise lies in engaging the enemy team and igniting team fights. 

Additionally, the likes of Renekton, Darius, and Wukong have proven to be exceptional all-rounders. Unlike their lesser-ranked counterparts (say, a C-class champion like Teemo, who lacks the capacity to engage, or the enigmatic Singed with his unique antics), these champions offer invaluable contributions to their teams, elevating their gameplay beyond mere scaling prowess.

S Tier : Ornn, Sion, Aatrox, Yone, Gwen, Sett, Renekton, Garen, Akali, Darius, Malphite, Fiora, Camille, Riven, Kayle

A Tier : Shen, Jayce, Wukong, Irelia, Dr. Mundo, Pantheon, Rengar, Jax, Urgot

B Tier : Kennen, Nasus, Vayne
C Tier : Singed, Tryndamere, Teemo (unless he is ahead, in which case he is a strong A+/S Tier)


Jungle Tier-List

For aspiring junglers with a primary goal of making a significant impact on the game, it's crucial to focus on champions that can truly influence the course of battle. That's why directing your attention towards the top tiers of the Wild Rift tier list, especially S and A tiers, is highly advisable. 

Lee Sin, for instance, excels at initiating fights and executing remarkable Insec maneuvers, while Evelynn and Kha'Zix possess the lethal ability to swiftly assassinate unsuspecting foes.

On the other hand, the performance of lower-ranked junglers largely hinges on the player's knowledge of the game and skill level. A skilled player can elevate a B-tier champion like Master Yi to the ranks of S-tier by leveraging their expertise in carrying matches.

However, it's worth noting that the lowest-ranked junglers, such as Shyvana and similar champions, currently face challenges in finding a well-defined role within the current meta.

S Tier: Volibear, Lilia, Kayn, Ekko, Lee Sin, Wukong, Kha'Zix, Evelynn, Xin Zhao, Graves, Nunu & Willump

A Tier: Warwick, Rengar, Olaf, Shyvana, Vi, Jarvan IV

B Tier: Dr Mundo, Rammus, Master Yi, Pantheon

C Tier: Diana, Amumu

Mid Lane Tier-List

The fate of a game often rests in the hands of a skilled mid laner. Thriving in the mid lane demands champions with a respectable level of mobility and the ability to deliver substantial damage. A prime example is Katarina, who, in the hands of a proficient player, can single-handedly take on an entire team.

However, beyond Katarina, the success of mid laners hinges on factors like team composition and individual player skill. Mastering the role of a mid laner requires a considerable amount of expertise, and relying solely on a god-tier champion pick won't guarantee victory in either the game or the lane.

S Tier: Zoe, Vex, Kassadin, Ekko, Zed, Veigar, Katarina, Irelia, Diana. Ziggs, Akali, Orianna, Galio, Lucian, Brand

A Tier: Jayce, Corki, Twisted Fate, Ahri, Seraphine, Yasuo, Akshan, Morgana

B Tier: Swain, Pantheon, Aurelion Sol

C Tier: Annie, Lux, Fizz

Bot Lane Tier-List

Ah, the bot laners, commonly known as Marksmen or ADCs (AD carries), supposedly the "carry" champions. However, the reality is quite different, as their success heavily relies on receiving constant support and being fed kills, minions, gold, and various resources until they reach a point where they can stand their ground independently (usually around level 10-11). 

Marksmen such as Kai'Sa, Xayah, and Jinx hold a much greater influence on the game when they are ahead compared to their lower-ranked counterparts, simply because their kits are tailored for scaling beyond others.

Of course, a player's skill also plays a significant role, but more often than not, champions in the S tier of the current meta have no equals and can't be easily outmatched.

S Tier: Nilah, Samira, Caitlyn, Varus, Xayah, Lucian, Kai'Sa, Ezreal, Corki

A Tier: Zeri, Vayne, Jinx, Draven, Tristana

B Tier: Twitch, Akshan, Senna, Jhin

C Tier: Ashe, Miss Fortune

Support Tier-List

Supports fulfill various roles and possess the potential to wield significant influence over the game, depending on the team's requirements. Enchanters like Lulu and Nami, for instance, thrive when paired with marksmen who can capitalize on their skills and buffs.

On the other hand, champions like Leona and Alistar shine as reliable engage tanks, making them suitable for most team situations that demand a robust frontline. In cases where your team consists entirely of AD champions (AD top, AD mid, and jungle), Seraphine as a support choice can supply much-needed Magic Damage to balance out the team composition.

The primary reason for these champions' placement in the S-tier lies in their remarkable versatility, enabling them to harmoniously complement almost any team composition within the current meta.

S Tier: Pyke, Nautilus, Karma, Yuumi, Senna, Leona, Lulu, Janna, Braum, Nami, Rakan, Thresh, Brand, Morgana

A Tier: Alistar, Sona, Seraphine, Lux

B Tier: Malphine, Soraka

C Tier: Blitzcrank


Presently, these are all the champions available in the game. However, it's essential to note that the Wild Rift tier list remains dynamic due to the imminent release of additional champions in the near future! Stay tuned, as we'll make sure to keep you informed with the latest updates as soon as they become available.

This post first appeared on My Gaming, Anime, Tech News Website, please read the originial post: here

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[Pro Guide] League of Legends Wild Rift 2023: Tier-list V4.3 - The Best Champions - MintoGame


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