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Rare Cards in Coin Master


Coin Master has hundreds of cards. While some of them are ordinary and can be found from time to time, others are extremely rare. They are special items that allow you to score valuable rewards, including free spins. When you collect cards in Coin Master, the game issues you these rewards. The rare cards are dropped frequently. The rarer the cards in your set, the better the rewards.

This game has an important thing in it, which is a slot machine; it will give you daily free spins by spinning it. Also, you need the energy to spin the machine, like spinning coins are also very important to purchase from in-game inventory.

Want to know about the rarest cards in Coin Master? Here’s the list.

1. Cosmic Carl

The Cosmic Carl is one of the rarest cards in Coin Master that fills the fourth slot. It is the last card you can obtain in the card set Warriors and offers four stars on its own, separate from the rewards of the card set. You must safeguard this card if you get it later, as it is one of the most in-demand cards of the game and can help you in trade events. You can find the Cosmic Carl in the 217th village. It also comes in handy if you want to trade it with other players.

2. Andromeda

Andromeda is a distant galaxy in cold space. Hence, it is one of the cards of the Space Set. Upon finding this card, you get five stars. However, obtaining this card is not as easy as it seems. You should have a lot of luck on your side, especially when you enter the 100th village to get this card.

3. Farmer Feng

Farmer Feng is another popular and rare card in Coin Master and can be found in the China Card set. It may take a long time to complete this set as these Cards are scattered across many levels. However, you can find this card in the 52nd village called Swamp. Do not waste this card; we advise you to retain it until you have a complete set.

4. Barrel Tank

The Barrel Tank card fills the sixth slot in the game and is present in the Goblins set. The Barrel Tank card is one of the first cards you can obtain from this set. This card provides gold upon completion, which you can further use to maintain your village.

5. Armstrong

Armstrong is one of the most useful and rarest cards of Coin Master. It belongs to the Circus set for which you can earn supreme rewards. To obtain this card, you need to enter the 55th village called Jurassic. We shall, however, mention that getting this card is not so easy for you to put a lot of effort into finding it.

6. Pig Knight

Like Cosmic Carl, Pig Knight is also present in the Warrior set and can be found in the 206th village called Jamaica. Not all players can find this rare card. You have to strategize accordingly to collect the Warriors set and utilize it.

7. Archery Camp

Archery Camp is one of the most rewarding cards in Coin Master. It is present in the Knights set, and if you collect the entire set, you will be rewarded with 10,000 spins. You can look for this card in the 207th village, Louie the 16th.

How to Find Rare Cards in Coin Master?

Are you wondering how to find the above-listed rare cards in Coin Master? Here’s how you can do it.

  • Participate in Viking Quests and play Viking slots.
  • Obtain Chests through raids or discover new villages.
  • You can buy these cards with the rewards you have earned.
  • Trade with other players on other platforms. However, be cautious of the scammers while doing so.

It may not be easy to get rare cards in Coin Master, but when received, the effort will be worth it. Good luck.

Wrap Up

Playing a refreshing game like Coin Master in a day will change your mood; there are lots of other tricks that will give you enough spins and coins throughout the day so that you can play this game continuously. Cards in Coin Master play a vital role in many; it will boost your rewards and 2x your coins.

This post first appeared on General Blog, please read the originial post: here

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Rare Cards in Coin Master
