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It was another really nice morning and got ready for school after a wash I got dressed and went downstairs for my breakfast. It was getting near the time to leave home and make my way to school and picked up my satchel said goodbye to Mum and left for school.


When arrived at school I put my satchel in my locker and then made my way to assembly completely unaware of what was discussed about me between the two men Daddy and his guest the night before.

After assembly was over we all stood up and made our way to our first class of the day and mine was PE. We were swimming and a real favorite of mine when a teacher came to me and said please get out of the pool and dry yourself off and go straight to the headmaster’s office.
I asked my PE teacher if I had done anything wrong as I could not think of anything I had done.
My PE teacher replied no he just picked you out at random so I understand to talk to you about how you’re doing in school.
     I got out of the swimming pool and dried my self off quickly and made my way to the headmaster’s office in my swimming costume. I knocked on the door a little scared and undressed to be in the headmaster’s office but no time to change into my school uniform. I stood at the door and a mans voice called to come in and I opened the door and walked into the office and shut the door behind me.
He was sitting behind his desk and I stood in front of him and he said as he stood up I wanted to have a quick word on how you are doing in school and walked behind me. I knew he was looking me over as I had nothing on but a swimming suit. He came back around the front of me and sat down at his desk and asked me to sit down. After telling me I was doing very well and to keep it up he said well that’s all nothing to worry about and just keep up the good work, please.
I said thank you and walked to the door and said goodbye to him and my My headmaster replied to my surprise I may see you again after school today and I looked at him and said were and the headmaster said never mind for now you better be getting back to your class. I replied to my headmaster ok and made my way out of his office and then made my way back to my swimming class.
The headmaster picked up his phone and called Daddy’s number and after around a minute, Daddy picked up his phone. I know it’s wrong but I want to see more of her and Daddy replied really I am surprised I really am. She will be here tonight to sort some things out can you get here tonight around eight-thirty. The headmaster said yes I can what is special about tonight and Daddy replied she will strip nude for you and it went very quiet for a few minutes. Daddy said did I say something wrong and the headmaster replied no not at all I will be there. Daddy replied looking forward to seeing you again and put the phone down.
It was lunchtime and I sat pondering on what the headmaster had said was he going to see my parents if not what did he mean (may see me after school) anyway i finished my lunch and made my way to my first class of the afternoon and forgot about it all till home time and then I started thinking again and if I would see him before I left the school. If I do see the headmaster it would be a first as I have never seen him after school time yet alone in school time till today.
Good there was no sign of Del as I told him I was feeling unwell so I was free to go and see Daddy after I get home and changed out of my school uniform and come to think of it there is no sign of the headmaster and as I thought and walked down the road to get changed.
I arrived at my home and ran upstairs and got changed and also packed a slutty dress in a bag Daddy gave me to wear when I get to the manor house. When I thought it was quiet enough I quietly crept downstairs and opened the back door and before I shut it I called out bye mum and she called back bye don’t be late home and I shut the door behind me.
I walked as fast as I could down the road to the Manor house were Daddy is expecting me to put his slutty dresses on and then take it off again for his private strip show behind Del’s back. When I arrived at the manor house I went straight to the kitchen and got changed again but this time into a very slutty dress for just Daddies eyes only.
There was no sign of Daddy and I knew he would not want to see me in the house in these clothes when he comes in so I got undressed and then into the slutty dress ready to perform a strip show for him and before I am served by the manor bulls tomorrow in my inauguration to the manor house.
I heard the door open and hid up behind the bed and wondered if it was Daddies wife. I was scared if it is his wife and if I’m caught it will not only be big trouble for me but also make it very bad for Daddy.
I had need to be very scared and in a way it was now much worse than I had thought my predicament was as I could see it was Daddy and he was not alone. I was still crouched down hidden behind the bed but could see two men one was Daddy and the other one was a man who I knew and these words maybe not the right words but I was shocked, stunned, astonished, Daddy had brought my headmaster Mr Blyth to see me get undressed.
Now I know what he meant when he said to me I may see you later. See me later I don’t believe Daddies mentality I was scared and embarrassed before I even stand up and take my clothes off in front of them both. My headmaster who seems to be a dirty minded man who I had only met once was here to see me get undressed for him.
I heard one of them say who’s bra and knickers are these and it was my headmaster asking Daddy and he came into the bedroom and said Karen’s she must be already here. I knew It was just a matter of time before they saw my clothes folded up on the chair and they both came round the bed and saw me laying down on the floor by the side of the bed.
Daddy asked me why I was hiding up and I got up off the floor and never answered him. Daddy said what’s the mater and I hung my head in shame as I stood in front of my headmaster. He never said a word all the time he knew I was in the room and I think he was as much ashamed as me if the truth was known.
Daddy said are you going to say hello to your headmaster and I lifted my head and said hello to Mr. Blyth why have you come here and he replied to visit my friend I have known him for a long time. I looked up at him and said with respect sir tell me the truth why you are here. Mr. Blyth replied I think you already know the answer to that question Karen.
I replied no sorry sir I don’t know please tell me why you are interested in one of your students. MR Blyth replied I am interested in all my students but Daddy was telling me about upstairs and what goes on in there. He also told me you want to get back at your boyfriend and are performing upstairs in a few days for some men.  I replied so what is it you want from me and Mr. Blyth shocked me and embarrassed me by telling me he was like daddy and wanted to see me get undressed. My Blyth said to me so yes or no going to show us or not if you are come up to the attic where it is more private.
I followed the two men upstairs still stunned and in shock seeing my headmaster here. We came to the next landing and up the next set of stairs and finally the third and last staircase that leads to the attic rooms. Daddy opened the attic trapdoor and I followed the two men inside.
They both sat down and I was left standing in front of them both shy, scared and embarrassed it was unreal standing there in a sex bedroom in front of not your normal teacher but the headmaster of your school and to beat that he is waiting for me to take off all my clothes and show him my self in the nude.
Daddy said Karen please start when you’re ready and I just stood there head down thinking I cant do this and remained standing in front of them both with my head down looking at the bedroom floor and my hands down by my side.
Mr. Blyth came over to me and he put his hands on my shoulders and pulled both shoulder straps off my shoulders and I stood there stunned and in shock, he was undressing me. He started to undo the seven buttons on the front of my dress that held my dress on me. I stood there helpless to stop him I froze on the spot as one by one the seven buttons came undone.
He came to the last button and it soon came undone and he bent down a little and gave my dress a Sharp tug downward and my dress fell to the floor and I stood in front of Mr. Blyth and daddy stark naked. Mr. Blyth returned to his seat where they both sat and just stared at me. It was strange standing in the room after being undressed stripped nude by my headmaster and then Mr. Blyth and Daddy came over to me.
 Daddy said don’t be shy Karen Mr Blyth has come here especially to see you so please come and sit over here so you can show him what he’s interested in and has come here to see .
I walked over to the two men with my head still down looking at the ground and Daddy told me to get on top of some chest of drawers with my legs spread wide apart for your headmaster.
I complied with what daddy had told me to do and looked up to see who was looking at me. I never dreamt I would be sitting on a chest of drawers in the nude with my legs spread wide apart for the headmaster of my school
Mr Blyth asked me to get off the chest of drawers and go and get on the setee and show him my bottom and I did as he asked me. I didn’t really care what they did to me as it was all revenge on Del I knew from this day on I had group of filthy dirty minded old men in control of me.
Daddy asked Mr. Blyth if he would like to see his student fucked and to my horror he replied yes i would please and with that Daddy bent me over in front of my headmaster and had me on my hands and knees and put his cock up close to my cunt lips and when he knew Mr. Blyth was up close and could see everything he penetrated my cunt with his cock and pushed his cock all the way into me and started to fuck me slowly at first but not for long.
Daddy started to fuck me hard and fast my tits were swinging round and round side to side and was embarrassing knowing Mr. Blyth was watching them swinging around out of control.
Around four minutes later Daddy thrust his cock deep into me and stayed there and Mr. Blyth asked him did you cum in her and Daddy said what do you think and around a minute later pulled his cock out of me and I went to clean up and get dressed.
Once I had cleaned my self up i came back into the fucking room and said goodbye to the two men as I was so shocked and embarrassed about what had happened in front of my headmaster and did not want to remain in the same room as them and needed to go somewhere and kick my self to see if I have been dreaming all of this.
I walked over to the door and said goodbye to the two men and my headmaster said wait i must go as well and will give you a ride home it’s the least i can do. I replied no it’s ok i will walk and my headmaster replied to me no i insist and i followed him out of the house to his car.
I said goodbye to daddy and then got reluctantly into my headmasters car and he drove of down the street and headed for my home but as soon as he was out of sight of the manor house he changed direction and i said to him you’re going the wrong way my home is in the apposite direction. Mr headmaster said keep calm i will take you home but i need to make a stop before i do.
Mr Blyth drove a little further down the road to a deserted area no houses or people for mile he stopped in the middle of nowhere nothing but woods and grass fields for miles around and as far as the eye could see.
Mr Blyth stopped the car outside a the gate of a grass field and turned to me and said Karen if you don’t tell i wont and i looked at him and replied what do you mean.
Come with me please and we both got out of the car. Mr Blyth opened the field gate and on the other side of the gate was grass and woods for miles not a human in sight but us. We walked a good half mile and I asked Mr Blyth where we were going and he said don’t be alarmed nothing bad I can assure you keep up with me, please. I replied to him yes sir I am.
After what seemed like miles of walking across grass fields Mr Blyth asked me to sit down and he then sat down beside me. He went quiet for a few minutes and we seem to be on edge about something. After a minute or two of silence Mr Blyth said to me you are beautiful with no clothes on and I know I shouldn’t be talking to you like this but you are stunning in the nude what little I have seen of you.
At the Manor I took a quick look but kept my head down as I was so embarrassed and I know it is not right for me to be looking at you with no clothes on but I never saw much just a quick glimpse of you. I replied I was very shy and never expected to do that in front of you and I was shocked to know you sat and watch me getting undressed.
Mr Blyth replied yes I can imagine and I should have known better but it’s not everyday a headmaster gets the chance to see one of his very pretty female students in the nude. Having said that I can assure you I saw very little I was looking away all the time when you were getting undressed and stood naked in the room Especially while he was doing the things he was to you.
Mr Blyth please be honest with me you tell me why you brought me all this way out here is it just a guilty conscience or is it something else please tell me and what we both say here will be in the strictest confidence between me and you.
Mr Blyth replied ok I’m going to trust you and tell you what’s really on my mind. I replied to him ok I’m listening please go on. Mr Blyth asked me if he could talk to me in a lewd way and Karen in case your not sure what the word lewd means a sexual way a dirty way. I Replied to Mr Blyth if you want to please do it won’t go any further than this grass field.
Mr Blyth said to me i lied to you and I did watch you get undressed i saw you take off your dress and also saw daddy fuck you and I loved it. Karen I want to see more of you in the nude alone here and right now pleased. If your answer is no then fine I will take you home and there will be no repercussions I promise you.
I replied well first you have shocked me again as I never expected this but I gave you my word I won’t tell a soul and I won’t. I will take my dress off for you and when I’m in the nude what then. Mr Blyth replied all i want to do is once you’re naked have a good look at you that’s it for now.
I replied to him what do you mean that’s it for now. Mr Blythe replied well maybe we can come back here another day and I can fuck you if you’ll let me. I replied to Mr Blyth ok you can do that another time if that’s what you want and it will be another one i have taken my clothes off for and then let them fuck me with out my boyfriend knowing and will teach Mr Computer secrets to go behind my back.
I have a question for you and it is what happens when we go to school. Mr Blyth replied nothing at all it’s the same as normal we act as if nothing has happened. I replied ok and stood up and asked Mr Blyth if we could go into the wood and i will take my dress off for him  in there.
We walk the short distance to the wood and found a place on the outskirts of the wood were i could take off my dress. I asked Mr Blyth if he was ready and he replied yes thank you as he sat down on a fallen tree stump. My headmaster was paying full attention to me as i pulled my dress up and off me leaving me standing in front of my headmaster in the nude and how he had planned for me to be.
The tone of his voice changed and became more dominant once I was naked and he never asked me now he told me to put my hands behind my head and I looked at him and he said do as you’re told and I replied ok and put my hands behind my head while he stood looking at me. After a minute or two he told me to part my legs and put my hands down in between my legs and part my cunt lips so he could get a good look.
Mr Blyth laid down on the ground and told me to get on top of him. I was getting scared he had changed completely. I did as he asked and put my legs each side of him and lowered myself down onto him as he guieded his cock into my cunt and started fucking me. I looked down at him and asked him why he had changed and he replied the way I see it is if you say anything to anyone you’re in deep shit the same as me so I’m not asking you anymore I’m telling you and you will do as I tell you while we’re here and in the classroom from now on.
Mr Blyth as he pushed his cock into me said keep your mouth shut and all will be ok and started to fuck me very hard and fast he thrust his cock deep into me.
This is the last thing I thought would happen to me today but here he is underneath me with his cock inside me and teaching me a lesson he hasn’t taught any other students before. He seemed like the real Mr Blyth now and the dominant male part of him had disappeared now he was getting what you wanted from me.
After a few minutes he told me he wanted to cum over my bum and i told him my mum have me on the pill so it will be alright to let it go in me. He asked me if i was near to cumming and i replied no but it’s ok. I was to scared maybe not the right word and should have been bewildered, humiliated, degraded as he emptied his balls into me.

This post first appeared on KAREN STRIPPED NUDE FOR MEN, please read the originial post: here

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