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Chicken Parmigiana Recipe Rachael Ray

Mastering the Art of Chicken Parmigiana: Rachael Ray’s Delectable Recipe. If you’re on a quest for culinary excellence, look no further than the timeless classic of chicken parmigiana recipe Rachael Ray. Renowned for its irresistible combination of crispy chicken cutlets, rich tomato sauce, and gooey cheese, this Italian-American favorite holds a special place in the hearts and appetites of many. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into the delectable world of Chicken Parmigiana, guided by none other than Rachael Ray and her exquisite recipe. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a kitchen newbie, this flavorful journey promises to tantalize your taste buds. Let’s embark on the adventure of making the perfect Chicken Parmigiana, step by step.

Nutrient Value

Before we embark on our culinary journey with Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana recipe, let’s first explore the nutrient value of this mouthwatering dish. Understanding the nutritional benefits of the ingredients can help you make informed choices when preparing this delightful meal.

A single serving of Chicken Parmigiana, a harmonious blend of lean protein, wholesome tomatoes, and calcium-rich cheese, provides valuable nutrients. Here’s a quick breakdown of its nutrient value:

  • Protein: Chicken breast is an excellent source of lean protein, essential for muscle health, and overall energy.
  • Vitamins: The tomato sauce in Chicken Parmigiana contributes essential vitamins, particularly vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Antioxidants: Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which has been associated with various health benefits.
  • Calcium: The cheese, notably mozzarella and Parmesan, offers a dose of calcium for healthy bones and teeth.

While Chicken Parmigiana offers these nutritional perks, it’s important to keep portion control in mind, as it’s also a comfort food and can be calorie-dense. Balancing your meal with a side of vegetables or a fresh salad can enhance its overall nutritional profile.


To embark on your culinary journey with Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana recipe, you’ll need a set of essential kitchen equipment to ensure the process is as smooth as possible. Here’s a list of the items you’ll require:

  1. Large Pot: You’ll need a large pot to prepare the tomato sauce, which is the heart of the dish.
  2. Nonstick Skillet: This will be your go-to for frying the chicken cutlets to perfection.
  3. Shallow Bowls: You’ll use these for the breading process, creating that signature crispy crust.
  4. 13″ x 9″ Baking Pan: The ideal vessel for assembling and baking your Chicken Parmigiana.
  5. Wire Cooling Rack: Use this to drain excess oil from the fried chicken, ensuring a lighter and less greasy result.
  6. Oven: Preheat your oven to 400°F for baking the Chicken Parmigiana.

Now that you’ve assembled your kitchen arsenal, it’s time to explore the step-by-step process of creating this culinary masterpiece.


Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana recipe yields four servings, making it a perfect choice for a family dinner or an enjoyable gathering with friends. Whether you’re preparing a weekday meal or a special occasion feast, this recipe’s versatility suits various culinary scenarios.

Complete Recipe Ingredients and Method

Before you start cooking, gather the following ingredients to create a sensational Chicken Parmigiana:

For the Tomato Sauce:

  • ¼ cup sliced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup diced onions
  • ½ tablespoon granulated garlic
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • Kosher salt and ground black pepper
  • ¼ heaping cup of tomato paste
  • Two 28-ounce cans of crushed tomatoes

For the Fried Chicken Breasts:

  • 4 pieces boneless skinless chicken breasts (about 2 pounds in total)
  • Kosher salt and ground black pepper
  • ¾ cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 ¼ cups Italian breadcrumbs
  • 1 cup vegetable oil (divided)

For Building the Chicken Parmigiana:

  • 4 pieces Fried Chicken Breasts
  • Tomato Sauce (prepared as mentioned earlier)
  • 8 slices of low-moisture mozzarella cheese
  • Sixteen ½-inch cubes of fresh mozzarella cheese
  • Shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese (for garnish)
  • Chopped parsley (for garnish)

Now that you have all the ingredients ready, it’s time to delve into the art of creating Chicken Parmigiana.

Method of Making

Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana recipe involves several steps, each contributing to the dish’s exceptional flavors and textures. Let’s break down the preparation process:

1. Tomato Sauce:

  • Begin by heating 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil in a pot. Add ¼ cup of sliced garlic and toast it until it turns golden and aromatic.
  • Incorporate 1/3 cup of diced onions, and cook them until they become soft and translucent.
  • Add ½ tablespoon of granulated garlic, and 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, and season with Kosher salt and ground black pepper. Stir to release their aromatic essence.
  • Introduce ¼ heaping cup of tomato paste to the mixture, and cook until it takes on a lighter rust color.
  • Add two 28-ounce cans of crushed tomatoes to the pot. Bring the mixture to a boil and then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer. Let it cook for approximately 3 hours, stirring occasionally. This slow-cooking process allows the flavors to meld, resulting in a rich and savory tomato sauce.

2. Fried Chicken Breasts:

  • Preheat your oven to 400°F, as you’ll use it later to finish cooking the Chicken Parmigiana.
  • Start by thoroughly drying the four boneless skinless chicken breasts using a paper towel. Ensuring they are dry will help the breading adhere better and result in a crispier crust.
  • Place one chicken breast at a time between two pieces of plastic wrap. Using a meat mallet or a rolling pin, gently pound the chicken breast to an even ½-inch thickness. Repeat this process for the remaining chicken breasts.
  • Season both sides of the chicken breasts with Kosher salt and ground black pepper.

3. Breading the Chicken:

  • In a large, shallow bowl, place ¾ cup of all-purpose flour. This flour will be the initial coat for the chicken.
  • In another large, shallow bowl, whisk two large eggs. The eggs will serve as the adhesive for the breadcrumb coating.
  • In a third large, shallow bowl, pour 1 ¼ cups of Italian breadcrumbs. This is where the chicken will receive its signature crispy crust.

Now, it’s time to bread the chicken:

  • Dip one piece of chicken into the flour, ensuring that it’s evenly coated. Shake off any excess flour.
  • Next, dip the chicken into the whisked eggs, ensuring that it’s completely coated, and allow any excess egg to drip off.
  • Finally, place the chicken in the breadcrumbs and press down to ensure an even and thorough coating. Flip the chicken and coat the other side as well. Pressing the breadcrumbs onto the chicken helps them adhere better.

Repeat this breading process for all four chicken breasts.

4. Frying the Chicken:

  • To achieve that perfect golden-brown crust on your chicken cutlets, you’ll need to fry them. Start by heating ½ cup of vegetable oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. It’s important to ensure the oil is shimmering but not smoking.
  • Carefully place two of the breaded chicken pieces into the pan. Fry the first side until it turns a beautiful golden brown and becomes delightfully crispy, which typically takes about 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Lower the heat to medium, flip the chicken, and continue frying until the other side is equally golden brown. This ensures that the chicken is cooked through while maintaining its crunch.
  • Once the chicken is done, transfer it to a paper towel-lined plate to briefly drain any excess oil. Then, place the fried chicken on a wire cooling rack set on top of a sheet pan. This setup helps keep the chicken crispy by allowing air circulation.

Now, repeat this frying process with the remaining two chicken pieces. Once you’ve finished frying all the chicken, you’ll be ready to assemble the Chicken Parmigiana.

5. Building the Chicken Parmigiana:

This is where the magic happens as you bring together all the components to create the ultimate Chicken Parmigiana:

  • Begin by preheating your oven to 400°F. The dish will be baked to perfection at this temperature.
  • To assemble, start by lining a 13″ x 9″ baking pan with a generous layer of the tomato sauce you prepared earlier. This provides a flavorful foundation for your Chicken Parmigiana.
  • Place the four fried chicken breasts on top of the tomato sauce.
  • Now, generously spoon more tomato sauce over the chicken, ensuring they are well-covered. The sauce is the soul of this dish, so don’t hold back.
  • The cheese comes next. Lay eight slices of low-moisture mozzarella cheese over the chicken, making sure it’s evenly distributed.
  • To take the cheesiness to the next level, add sixteen ½-inch cubes of fresh mozzarella cheese. These will melt beautifully during baking and create delightful pockets of gooey goodness.
  • Before the Chicken Parmigiana goes into the oven, add a final touch of flavor. Sprinkle shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese over the top, and finish with a garnish of freshly chopped parsley.

6. Baking and Finishing:

  • Place the assembled Chicken Parmigiana in the preheated oven and bake it until the cheese is beautifully melted, and the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. This generally takes about 10 to 12 minutes. It’s at this point that the flavors meld and the dish reaches its mouthwatering zenith.
  • For that perfect golden crust, turn the oven to broil and briefly broil the cheese until it becomes lightly browned. Keep a close eye on it to prevent burning.
  • If you’re a fan of extra sauciness, consider topping your Chicken Parmigiana with more warmed tomato sauce.

Benefits of Eating Chicken Parmigiana:

Beyond its delicious flavors, Chicken Parmigiana offers several benefits:

  1. Satisfying Comfort Food: Chicken Parmigiana is the epitome of comfort food, perfect for satisfying cravings and warming the soul.
  2. Protein Power: The dish is protein-packed, making it an excellent choice for muscle health and overall energy.
  3. Shared Joy: Sharing Chicken Parmigiana with family and friends is an experience that brings joy and fosters a sense of togetherness.
  4. Culinary Creativity: It’s a versatile dish, allowing you to experiment with different ingredients and flavors.

In conclusion, Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana is a culinary gem that transcends generations, celebrating the timeless appeal of Italian-American comfort food. With each crispy bite of chicken, every luscious spoonful of tomato sauce, and the melty layers of cheese, you’ll be indulging in a dish that resonates with warmth and flavor.

Whether you’re cooking for your family, friends, or simply yourself, the magic of Chicken Parmigiana lies in its power to create culinary memories and provide a satisfying and delectable experience. As you roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and embark on this flavorful journey, you’re not just preparing a meal; you’re nurturing a tradition and sharing in the joys of homemade cooking.

For more culinary adventures, tantalizing recipes, and the world of gastronomy, visit Our website is your gateway to a universe of flavors, aromas, and culinary wonders. Explore the delightful voyage, one recipe at a time.

The History of Chicken Parmigiana:

The origins of Chicken Parmigiana, also known as Chicken Parmesan, are deeply rooted in Italian-American culinary history. This dish is a prime example of how immigrants have contributed to the rich tapestry of American cuisine.

Italian immigrants who arrived in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries brought with them a love for hearty, home-cooked meals that celebrated the flavors of their homeland. One such dish was Eggplant Parmigiana, a classic Italian recipe consisting of breaded and fried eggplant slices topped with tomato sauce and cheese.

However, chicken was a more readily available and affordable meat in America, so it was only a matter of time before this culinary masterpiece evolved to include chicken. Thus, Chicken Parmigiana was born.

The Perfect Chicken Cutlets:

Before you can create a truly delicious Chicken Parmigiana, you need to start with the perfect chicken cutlets. Rachael Ray’s recipe calls for boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but it’s important to ensure that they’re of high quality. Look for chicken breasts that are fresh, moist, and free from any added solutions or preservatives. A good tip is to visit a trusted butcher or local market for the best chicken selection.

The Art of Breading:

The crispy exterior of Chicken Parmigiana is one of its defining features. Achieving that perfect crunch requires a bit of culinary finesse. Rachael Ray’s method involves a three-step breading process: flour, egg wash, and breadcrumbs.

When coating the chicken in flour, make sure to shake off any excess. The flour creates a dry surface for the egg wash to adhere to, which in turn helps the breadcrumbs stick to the chicken. Be thorough in your coating, ensuring an even layer of breadcrumbs to achieve that delightful crunch in every bite.

The Heartwarming Tomato Sauce:

A great Chicken Parmigiana relies on a rich and flavorful tomato sauce. Rachael Ray’s recipe starts with sautéing garlic and onions in extra-virgin olive oil. This initial step infuses the sauce with aromatic flavors that create a solid foundation.

The choice of ingredients is important here. High-quality crushed tomatoes and tomato paste are essential for a sauce that truly sings. Rachael Ray recommends specific brands, and it’s worth noting that the quality of your ingredients can significantly impact the final taste.

The Cheese that Makes it Melt:

Melted cheese is one of the most indulgent and mouthwatering aspects of Chicken Parmigiana. Rachael Ray’s recipe incorporates two types of cheese: low-moisture mozzarella and Parmigiano-Reggiano.

Low-moisture mozzarella is known for its excellent melting properties. It turns wonderfully gooey and adds a creamy texture to the dish. Parmigiano-Reggiano, often referred to as the “king of cheeses,” contributes a distinct and savory flavor. When broiled, these cheeses form a beautiful golden crust that’s the hallmark of a great Chicken Parmigiana.

A Versatile Dish:

One of the great things about Chicken Parmigiana is its versatility. While Rachael Ray’s recipe provides a classic preparation, you can certainly experiment and add your own twist. Here are a few ideas to get your creative culinary juices flowing:

  1. Spicy Kick: If you love a little heat, consider adding red pepper flakes or a dash of cayenne to the tomato sauce for a spicy version of this classic.
  2. Veggie Variations: While this dish traditionally features chicken, you can explore vegetarian options by using eggplant, zucchini, or even portobello mushrooms as the base.
  3. Gluten-Free: If you or your guests have dietary restrictions, you can adapt the recipe to be gluten-free by using gluten-free breadcrumbs and flour.
  4. Herb-Infused: Experiment with fresh herbs like basil, thyme, or rosemary in the tomato sauce to give it an aromatic twist.
  5. Sauce Variations: Consider different sauce variations such as a creamy Alfredo sauce or a pesto-based sauce for a unique flavor experience.

Chicken Parmigiana: A Global Sensation:

Chicken Parmigiana is not just a favorite in the United States; it has gained popularity worldwide. In Australia, it’s known as “Chicken Parm” or “Parma,” and it’s a staple in many restaurants. In the United Kingdom, it’s often served with chips (fries) and is a beloved dish in Italian restaurants. It’s also enjoyed in various forms in Canada and even as a sandwich in Argentina.

This dish’s global appeal is a testament to its irresistible combination of flavors and textures. Whether you’re dining at a fancy Italian restaurant or savoring a homemade version, Chicken Parmigiana has a special place on menus around the world.

Homemade Goodness: A Labor of Love:

Making Chicken Parmigiana from scratch, as Rachael Ray’s recipe suggests, is a labor of love. It’s a dish that takes time and effort, but the results are always worth it. As you gather the ingredients, prepare the tomato sauce, bread the chicken, and layer the flavors, you’re creating a meal that’s not just about sustenance but also about sharing and savoring the experience.

The aromas that waft from your kitchen as the garlic sizzles, the breadcrumbs crisp, and the cheese bubbles are enough to make anyone’s mouth water. This is the magic

Perfect Pairings and Side Dishes:

Chicken Parmigiana is often served as the star of the show, but it can be even more delightful when complemented with the right pairings and side dishes. Here are some suggestions to enhance your dining experience:

  1. Pasta: A classic choice is to serve Chicken Parmigiana with a side of spaghetti or fettuccine, allowing you to enjoy the luscious tomato sauce with your pasta.
  2. Salad: A fresh garden salad with vibrant greens, ripe tomatoes, and a zesty salad dressing of oil and seasoning can provide a refreshing contrast to the richness of the dish.
  3. Garlic Bread: Warm and crusty garlic bread is a comforting accompaniment. You can dip it in the leftover tomato sauce for an extra burst of flavor.
  4. Vegetables: Steamed or roasted vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, or green beans, provide a healthier balance to the meal.
  5. Nostalgia and Comfort: Few dishes evoke nostalgia and feelings of comfort as effectively as Chicken Parmigiana. It’s a go-to choice for many when seeking solace in the flavors of home.
  6. A Feast for the Senses: The vibrant colors, aromatic scents, and mouthwatering textures make Chicken Parmigiana a true feast for the senses, providing an all-encompassing dining experience.
  7. Culinary Creativity: Preparing Chicken Parmigiana allows you to explore your culinary creativity by customizing the recipe to suit your preferences.

Exploring Regional Variations:

Chicken Parmigiana has not only evolved globally but also within different regions of Italy and the United States. Here are a couple of intriguing regional variations:

  1. Chicken Parmesan Sub (New York): In New York, Chicken Parmigiana is often served as a sub or hero sandwich. It features a fried chicken cutlet smothered in tomato sauce and cheese served within a long, crusty roll.
  2. Eggplant Parmesan (Southern Italy): In southern Italy, particularly in Sicily, a variation of this dish is prepared using eggplant instead of chicken. It’s known as “Melanzane alla Parmigiana” and follows a similar preparation method.


Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana is a culinary masterpiece that seamlessly marries the time-honored charm of a classic comfort dish with Rachael’s signature simplicity and flair. It’s a recipe that elevates the humble chicken cutlet into a mouthwatering masterpiece, generously smothered in rich tomato sauce and crowned with a symphony of cheese. Whether you’re an aspiring home cook or an experienced chef, this recipe is a delightful addition to your repertoire.

Rachael Ray’s Chicken Parmigiana is more than just a recipe; it’s a celebration of the culinary traditions that connect us and the art of transforming simple ingredients into extraordinary meals. As you prepare this dish, you’re not just following a set of instructions; you’re participating in a culinary journey that spans continents and generations.

Whether you’re cooking for your loved ones, friends, or simply yourself, Chicken Parmigiana is a dish that fosters a sense of togetherness and an appreciation for the joy of homemade cooking. Each bite is a symphony of flavors, each step a labor of love.

Experience a World of Flavors at is your portal to a vast world of culinary exploration. We invite you to discover new recipes, cooking tips, and exciting adventures in the world of food. From appetizers to desserts, we offer a diverse collection of culinary delights that cater to various tastes and skill levels.

As you navigate our website, you’ll find a treasure trove of inspiration for your culinary journey. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced chef, our platform is designed to ignite your passion for cooking and tantalize your taste buds.


  1. Can I use bone-in chicken for this recipe?
    • While the traditional choice is boneless chicken breasts, bone-in chicken can be used with adjusted cooking times. Ensure the chicken reaches the recommended internal temperature.
  2. Can I make this dish vegetarian?
    • Yes, you can create a vegetarian version of Chicken Parmigiana by substituting chicken with eggplant or tofu. Ensure you adjust the breading and cooking times accordingly.
  3. How long can I store leftovers?
    • Leftover Chicken Parmigiana can be refrigerated for up to 3 days, allowing you to enjoy its flavors for multiple meals. Alternatively, you can freeze it for longer preservation.
  4. Is there a way to reduce the calorie content?
    • To lower the calorie content, you can choose low-fat cheese and opt for a lighter breading technique with less oil. Pairing the dish with a fresh salad or steamed vegetables can also provide a balanced meal.
  1. What’s the origin of the name “Parmigiana”?
    • The term “Parmigiana” in the name refers to the use of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. This cheese is a key ingredient in the dish, and its name is derived from the region of Parma in Italy. It’s known for its rich, savory flavor.
  2. Can I make Chicken Parmigiana in advance?
    • Yes, you can prepare Chicken Parmigiana in advance and refrigerate it. Reheat it in the oven to maintain its crispy texture before serving.
  3. How do I avoid a soggy crust?
    • To prevent a soggy crust, ensure the chicken is properly dried before breading. Also, don’t overcrowd the skillet when frying, as this can trap steam and result in a less crispy texture.

This post first appeared on My Personal, please read the originial post: here

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Chicken Parmigiana Recipe Rachael Ray


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