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The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing: How to Monetize Your Website and Maximize Your Earnings


if you want to make real money with affiliate marketing as fast as possible I’m going to break it all down for you so this business course covers everything you need to start a profitable affiliate marketing business that’s setting up your website the tools you need to get started all the ways to use AI how to write monetizable articles join the affiliate programs and make real affiliate income in a sustainable ongoing way so affiliate marketing is my favorite form of monetization it’s how my blog makes over a

hundred thousand dollars a month with that Revenue stream and I’m pumped to share this real business information with you so let’s get started so this full course is how to create a real affiliate marketing business in 2023. now it’s still the best way in my opinion to make passive income because we’re promoting other people’s products we don’t need a huge audience yet and we don’t need our own product and it’s a great way to make passive income you don’t have to do a whole lot it doesn’t

require a lot of money to get started and building affiliate marketing Market marketing website is pretty easy these days however turning this into a real business can be more challenging so that’s what we’re going to break down for you so first of all why affiliate marketing where does it fit well there’s a lot of reasons to own your own website this is the central repository of your personal brand every personal brand every person out there should have their own website and even if you’re a

YouTuber or on Instagram a website is what is the central repository of the information about you so why don’t we start a website and make a lot of affiliate income doing the same thing it’s the starting point it’s the perfect Revenue stream if you don’t have an audience yet it dictates your initial content strategy so the right keywords equals money so when we think about how do we make the most money from affiliate marketing well we need a website because of search intent and people buying

things online via Google search and we need to rank for the right keywords so ranking for the right keywords requires that you create content around affiliate marketing keywords and you need to know that stuff which dictates the initial content that you create also you can fail a lot I failed tons of times and the great thing about a website and affiliate marketing is you can fail and you don’t affect customers you know it’s not an e-commerce business where you can ship products and it messes up and

people get pissed at you you just create content when a Blog is an infinitely updatable asset that can be updated an infinite number of times you can fail lot and you learn a lot you learn about seo on-page seo keyword research link building affiliate marketing monetization how the internet works you learn it all as you do it and there’s really a lot of scams out there when you’re learning this stuff so I want you to take it from someone like me who’s built a real affiliate business who has a Blog who’s ranked for

over four years for Content who’s made over a hundred thousand dollars a month with affiliate marketing for over 12 months in a row not somebody saying with a nice thumbnail on YouTube saying here’s how you make five thousand dollars a month but they don’t really have good information here which is why we’re going to take it as you know to the next level and give real strategic business advice here and ultimately affiliate marketing is the first Revenue stream of many affiliate marketing starts then you can

do ad Revenue then you can eventually sell your own product you can do Consulting you can do all kinds of different revenue streams but we need to start somewhere and affiliate marketing is where we start so let’s talk about building your affiliate marketing website first so if you don’t have a website yet this is where you need to get started let’s talk about choosing your domain name this is why I like personal brand websites so the no way name doesn’t matter for ranking content on Google it doesn’t

matter if you have a keyword Rich domain name or anything like that what matters is you have something you can fail a lot at and you won’t quit that’s ultimately what matters and I started mine at my own name I was going to use it as like a digital resume maybe use it for my career write a few affiliate articles I didn’t think I’d make that much money but it ended up working because of new startup tactics I was using and just the fact that I didn’t quit and that was at my name now

what you can do is if you don’t want to put it at your full name I would just say you can do that and rank for anything you choose to write about change niches if it doesn’t work try and test new things out you could also like I could have went back and used something like adamsguide.

com something broad enough where I want to be known for one thing so I want to be in one Niche I want to cover it but it can be me it’s my name that’s why I was able to now be on YouTube because it’s just tied to my name I didn’t create a niche site called the email marketing guy I would have pigeonholed myself into that one category and then I would have been screwed for YouTube Instagram Tick Tock and all of those things but I think a personal brand is the perfect way to start so first you’re going to need to

host your website and this is basically where your website stores all its files folders images and this is the main ongoing cost of running a websites so I really like wpx for WordPress they have really fast hosting and I also really like Nexus so they offer affordable plans starting at just 19 a month you get a lot of perks with that so you get features like SSL for security so https no overage fees 24 7 support so they’ve also created hosting for maximum speed so they have a built-in CDN content delivery Network image compression

caching to make sure everything loads fast because site speed is a major racking ranking Factor when it comes to SEO I like to think of Nexus as the kind of Hosting that people upgrade from shared hosting to Nexus so maybe they start at like Bluehost or HostGator they eventually move to something like Nexus so if you’re looking for a you know affordable WordPress hosting make sure to click the link in the description below and sign up for Nexus web hosting so every web host is a little bit different but they’re super easy to set

up like you would go to either wpx or something like Nexus you’d see their plans and you choose their plans and you can pay annually or monthly you could choose something like the spark plan this is for WordPress and then you just go to checkout so you select the plan you enter your information first last name password your billing address payment info you complete your purchase and then it gets you into the dashboard and these dashboards look a little bit different but all that you have to do really is use WordPress with them and

WordPress is the best content management system and you install WordPress through your host and it’s usually a one-click install so you go from your host you say enter WordPress and then you enter WordPress so let’s run through we go through that and then we get to what looks like a WordPress dashboard like this WordPress is really simple to use um you can you know it has endless customizations plugins themes all of that everything’s on the left hand sidebar there’s different plugins there’s different pages and posts so

we’ll go through kind of using WordPress really quickly in a fast way for your affiliate site first let’s talk about your theme which is under appearance themes the theme is like you think of Wix or Weebly it’s like the design layout of your site so we can choose a number of different themes that are in this WordPress repository or we find one on our own and I recommend Cadence Cadence WP is a great theme because they have really perfect layouts for all kinds of blogs content affiliate sites they also have Cadence blocks which

allows you to create those affiliate blocks like the things that say like check price on Amazon check price at Best Buy all those content blocks Pros cons all of that kind of features you can see they have a number of different starter templates that you can use so you can just check check all of these and see which one that you like and then we can see that when we have it we can customize the theme inside of WordPress by clicking customize and it gives you some some different settings so this is like a little sample site we created the

cafe man and there’s colors and fonts you can change so typography all that kind of stuff all the way down to header footer General post page layouts some you know theme customization options where the menu is home page settings how does it display it site identity so you know add your logo add your text and all of that and then it’s just pretty easy to to edit these things and they all lay out in a simple format and you know with cadence if you’re interested in learning like the exacts Click by click process I

don’t want to cover in this full this video exactly it’ll take like a 45 minutes to show you every little detail of this but you can click the link in the description below sign up for my free Master Class where we cover all of this stuff and more another nice thing with cadence is they have Cadence blocks so in the left hand sidebar you can go to all your posts view your blog posts go into individual ones that we want to create and we know that blog posts have a very similar format when it comes to

affiliate content so we’ll cover the exact formula and show you some examples but we can see that like Cadence blocks is it builds its own table of contents maker with pulling headings in if we’d enter and choose a new line we can select browse what we want to add and we can see Cadence blocks here and we can add all kinds of different things Advanced but countdowns Google Maps icons Advanced images Celia posts are really simple to write you know it’s about using WordPress because it has the best functionality

for creating these types of posts what do we need when we need headings to tell Google what this post is H1 H2 content and then what’s nice is again we go back to we’re assembling content we’re not just writing from a blank page there’s a specific way to write these kinds of affiliate articles that rank with headings and then you can see that this is a nice Cadence block with two columns image on the left side text on the right with a button check price on Amazon with a nice border around it top pick but you

can create these very simple affiliate content blocks with cadence doesn’t require any coding just adding a few little uh templates in so next let’s talk about the different plugins that you can use so plugins extend the functionality of WordPress there’s plugins for everything like if you’re running a barber shop you get a calendar Plug-In or you know reservation plug-in for a restaurant but really when it comes to blogging there’s just some plugins that we need we need like speed plugins image optimization and affiliate

marketing security and a few others but if you look at the um the plugins that we have installed you can see the there’s different ones so there’s Cadence blocks so we installed that and starter templates rank math is a good one for SEO that you can use and that optimizes your blog post meta description indexes your site and Google if you set it up correctly do all that that’s really simple to use short pixel is a good image optimization tool that one allows you to every time you upload an image into your WordPress Library it

condenses it down into a smaller JPEG file then there’s thirsty Affiliates which is a really good one for uh managing and organizing all of your affiliate links so we’ll cover joining affiliate programs but you add them into this tool as you can see in thirsty Affiliates you can view all your affiliate links you click them here you paste your affiliate link into the destination URL you give it a name you can organize it categorize it and save link and we always want to make sure that links are no follow and open in a

new tab but you know plugins are really useful there’s a ton of different plugins that you can have if you want to add new ones there’s also word fund security which is free which is a good one you can go to add new and then you can go through the plugin library and see what there is so a lot of sites come preloaded with jetpack which is a little bit bloated and slows your site down you can use classic editor but you can look through but these are the ones that I recommend or something just to get started use some of these on this list

here there’s a few extra plugins I like too there’s one called mammoth.docx converter it’s another free tool this allows you to upload Google Docs directly into WordPress so if you have it formatted correctly in Google Docs you can add it to WordPress this is helpful if you have like somebody writing for you or a content writer or you’re writing guest posts and it’s really good so you get comfortable with Google Docs and do that WP Rocket’s also a good one this is a paid tool but this

is the best like speed optimization tool on WordPress there’s plenty of good tutorials online of like the exact settings for WP rocket but that’s one I use and I recommend for Speed there’s easy table of contents which you can use this one if you don’t have Cadence or you want to use something different but the table of content solution that kind of works and organizes your content and that’s really it so really when we think about the minimum cost to get started let’s say we’re using wpx 25 a month new

domain name might be 13 a year and you pay for WP rocket let’s say at 59 a year and then short pixel you pay based on the number of images you need to optimize it’s pretty cheap though like ten dollars might get you could get you thousands of images probably but the total cost to get started of a website for affiliate marketing is about 107 plus 20 to 25 a month so when we talk about building your minimum viable website that’s what I call it a minimum viable site something that’s good enough

but you haven’t perfected it we’re not perfectionist here we don’t want to spend a month creating a website we can do this in a day or two here’s the core four pages you need you need a home page an about page a Blog archive page where your posts go and then a Blog template so how your blogs are laid out and this is all kind of set up for you but when we think of a home page it’s really just here’s like a backlinko example kind of looks similar to my home page where it’s like you have a main sentence your value

proposition at the top and the thing that’s good about a homepage when you’re first starting your site you can change it an infinite number of times I’ve changed that sentence on my site probably a hundred times by now because my site’s changed and evolved and because it was at my name I could change it and change different things but really a home page is just if you look at it in two seconds I need to understand what this is about and this is an opportunity to put your face out there I know it can be uncomfortable for

some people you don’t have to but you can but a home page should be lead collection so you know building an email list potentially for the future even if you don’t have a product yet it’s always good to have like at least capturing people’s email and then just a few things about you it doesn’t need to be long then an about page should be really a personal story not really about like your accomplishments and everything like a LinkedIn profile how you’re perfect how you’re good at this and good at that

and you went to this it should be a really good story if you check mine out at it’s more like from my birth all the mistakes I made a little bit about how I started the blog but you should be very vulnerable and share yourself with the world on your about page then you have a Blog archive so that’s kind of where your blog lives so.yoursite.

com blog and you can dictate that with your theme just choosing how it laid out so you might have a three column layout it might be a one column layout it doesn’t really matter honestly these things are kind of going by the wayside people are going to find you by Googling something and visiting your article first so as long as it looks good you don’t have to worry about that too much and then a Blog template this will be set up for you in your theme how everything’s laid out what your headings look like is there a right hand sidebar

or not you know how that works so it’s pretty simple so with affiliate marketing you need to think like a marketer not a writer this is not writing this is monetizing content so you have to be strategic with your approach that’s writing keyword research and the layout of your posts so first let’s talk about the type of content you have to create there’s really just two for affiliate marketing and a Blog in general there’s how people use Google and how websites make money there’s informational content so how to do stuff

pieces of information in your Niche then there’s transactional so that’s things like best credit cards best camping gear best modular sectionals best living room sofas best patio furniture everything that has best signifies search intent signifies buyer intent and that’s where list posts come in when you’re recommending and comparing the best products that is 99 of affiliate revenues made through posts like that so we can see that informational post they might have a lot of search volume people

search for things about how to do things a lot that can make ad Revenue passive ad Revenue because if you’re searching like how to start a business or how to tie your shoes you’re not ready to really buy an affiliate product yet but it might be searched a lot so you might as well put banner ads on those types of posts and then affiliate Revenue comes through transactional posts so I’m going to break this down for you so first we have to be strategic with our keywords that’s things like search volume and

competition so I’m going to give you some examples we’ll go through these in what I call the keyword monetization Matrix so there’s four different types of keywords that your blog can have and there’s two main ones that you need to be focusing on so on the left hand side here we have search volume which is how many times it’s searched a month so the more it’s searched the more potential traffic you have and then on the bottom we have competition so left to right how competitive is it how many Authority

sites are in there how difficult is it to rank for so first let’s cover low volume info post so this is low low search volume and low competition these are not that valuable however these are what we call Early wins if you’re just starting your affiliate marketing website and you have no traffic yet you have no domain Authority these are some of the ones that can help you get out of that Google sandbox and start ranking for anything you want to start ranking for almost anything in your Niche so that’s low volume informational posts

what I call Early wins so this example is like the home Niche home living room furniture that kind of stuff so one that’s low volume informational this tiny house kitchen ideas pretty Niche pretty long tail not really going to make money because it’s an ideas post people are just looking for inspiration they’re not going to purchase something however it could be an early win for your website you could start ranking for something like this a lot quicker because it’s not competitive and it’s

not searched a ton but you can actually rank for it so that’s kind of a good starting point for some of your articles next I want to cover high volume info posts so we see that the search volume is high the competition is generally low and the these are great these are what I call brand builders so you can get a lot of traffic with these low competition high volume there’s not about a bunch of search intent to make transactional affiliate Revenue but these are informational keywords so things like dorm room ideas it’s searched a lot

there’s not a ton of competition for it and it’s a pretty high quality post because you can get a lot of traffic for it these ones can make ad Revenue now we’re moving over to the other side this is high surge volume High competition think of antiques this is what I call antique keywords so things that have been around for a long time that are probably impossible to rank for in the 2020s something like best vacuum cleaner something that’s been around for ages best refrigerator best vpns best

web hosting good luck you’re probably not going to rank for it on your affiliate website in the 2020s maybe if you wrote that post 15 years ago but it’s difficult so these are high competition High search volume keywords that are transactional there might be a few in here that you can rank for if you look at the keyword research tools but it’ll be difficult and then finally we have lower competition transactional posts so these are like medium competition potentially medium search volume but they’re kind of

living in this box here these are emerging products so this could be something like best modular sectional not very competitive yet not too competitive not overly competitive a newer product with decent search volume and that is where affiliate marketing lives so these are the two right here you want high volume info posts ideas posts things in your Niche that can make you affiliate ad revenue and get a lot of traffic to your website and then affiliate Revenue with these longer tail emerging products in your Niche these

are the two best plus you know the keywords in your Niche that can make you money that are new and then also high volume brand builders so these are the two right here so let’s break this down really quick in my favorite SEO tool hrefs so I’m going to show some examples here of different keywords and we’ll go through it so again keyword is at the heart of your affiliate marketing strategy we don’t like choose an affiliate program and then try to promote this brand and blast stuff on Facebook it starts with search intent

proposition at the top and the thing that’s good about a homepage when you’re first starting your site you can change it an infinite number of times I’ve changed that sentence on my site probably a hundred times by now because my site’s changed and evolved and because it was at my name I could change it and change different things but really a home page is just if you look at it in two seconds I need to understand what this is about and this is an opportunity to put your face out there I know it can be uncomfortable for

some people you don’t have to but you can but a home page should be lead collection so you know building an email list potentially for the future even if you don’t have a product yet it’s always good to have like at least capturing people’s email and then just a few things about you it doesn’t need to be long then an about page should be really a personal story not really about like your accomplishments and everything like a LinkedIn profile how you’re perfect how you’re good at this and good at that

and you went to this it should be a really good story if you check mine out at it’s more like from my birth all the mistakes I made a little bit about how I started the blog but you should be very vulnerable and share yourself with the world on your about page then you have a Blog archive so that’s kind of where your blog lives so.yoursite.

com blog and you can dictate that with your theme just choosing how it laid out so you might have a three column layout it might be a one column layout it doesn’t really matter honestly these things are kind of going by the wayside people are going to find you by Googling something and visiting your article first so as long as it looks good you don’t have to worry about that too much and then a Blog template this will be set up for you in your theme how everything’s laid out what your headings look like is there a right hand sidebar

or not you know how that works so it’s pretty simple so with affiliate marketing you need to think like a marketer not a writer this is not writing this is monetizing content so you have to be strategic with your approach that’s writing keyword research and the layout of your posts so first let’s talk about the type of content you have to create there’s really just two for affiliate marketing and a Blog in general there’s how people use Google and how websites make money there’s informational content so how to do stuff

pieces of information in your Niche then there’s transactional so that’s things like best credit cards best camping gear best modular sectionals best living room sofas best patio furniture everything that has best signifies search intent signifies buyer intent and that’s where list posts come in when you’re recommending and comparing the best products that is 99 of affiliate revenues made through posts like that so we can see that informational post they might have a lot of search volume people

search for things about how to do things a lot that can make ad Revenue passive ad Revenue because if you’re searching like how to start a business or how to tie your shoes you’re not ready to really buy an affiliate product yet but it might be searched a lot so you might as well put banner ads on those types of posts and then affiliate Revenue comes through transactional posts so I’m going to break this down for you so first we have to be strategic with our keywords that’s things like search volume and

competition so I’m going to give you some examples we’ll go through these in what I call the keyword monetization Matrix so there’s four different types of keywords that your blog can have and there’s two main ones that you need to be focusing on so on the left hand side here we have search volume which is how many times it’s searched a month so the more it’s searched the more potential traffic you have and then on the bottom we have competition so left to right how competitive is it how many Authority

sites are in there how difficult is it to rank for so first let’s cover low volume info post so this is low low search volume and low competition these are not that valuable however these are what we call Early wins if you’re just starting your affiliate marketing website and you have no traffic yet you have no domain Authority these are some of the ones that can help you get out of that Google sandbox and start ranking for anything you want to start ranking for almost anything in your Niche so that’s low volume informational posts

what I call Early wins so this example is like the home Niche home living room furniture that kind of stuff so one that’s low volume informational this tiny house kitchen ideas pretty Niche pretty long tail not really going to make money because it’s an ideas post people are just looking for inspiration they’re not going to purchase something however it could be an early win for your website you could start ranking for something like this a lot quicker because it’s not competitive and it’s

not searched a ton but you can actually rank for it so that’s kind of a good starting point for some of your articles next I want to cover high volume info posts so we see that the search volume is high the competition is generally low and the these are great these are what I call brand builders so you can get a lot of traffic with these low competition high volume there’s not about a bunch of search intent to make transactional affiliate Revenue but these are informational keywords so things like dorm room ideas it’s searched a lot

there’s not a ton of competition for it and it’s a pretty high quality post because you can get a lot of traffic for it these ones can make ad Revenue now we’re moving over to the other side this is high surge volume High competition think of antiques this is what I call antique keywords so things that have been around for a long time that are probably impossible to rank for in the 2020s something like best vacuum cleaner something that’s been around for ages best refrigerator best vpns best

web hosting good luck you’re probably not going to rank for it on your affiliate website in the 2020s maybe if you wrote that post 15 years ago but it’s difficult so these are high competition High search volume keywords that are transactional there might be a few in here that you can rank for if you look at the keyword research tools but it’ll be difficult and then finally we have lower competition transactional posts so these are like medium competition potentially medium search volume but they’re kind of

living in this box here these are emerging products so this could be something like best modular sectional not very competitive yet not too competitive not overly competitive a newer product with decent search volume and that is where affiliate marketing lives so these are the two right here you want high volume info posts ideas posts things in your Niche that can make you affiliate ad revenue and get a lot of traffic to your website and then affiliate Revenue with these longer tail emerging products in your Niche these

are the two best plus you know the keywords in your Niche that can make you money that are new and then also high volume brand builders so these are the two right here so let’s break this down really quick in my favorite SEO tool hrefs so I’m going to show some examples here of different keywords and we’ll go through it so again keyword is at the heart of your affiliate marketing strategy we don’t like choose an affiliate program and then try to promote this brand and blast stuff on Facebook it starts with search intent

which it starts with ranking for keywords online and that become it comes down to understanding this stuff at the snap of a finger knowing this is a good opportunity this is not a good opportunity so I’m going to go through this keyword monetization matrix real quick and give you examples so let’s look at the bad examples the best vacuum cleaners the difficulty is hard it’s been around for a long time high volume traffic potential is all you could get a hundred thousand visitors a month just for this keyword but it’s

pretty difficult let’s look at who’s ranking for this uh we have New York Times Good Housekeeping the spruce ratings CNN tech radar times guide consumerreports and the chances of a new blog ranking for this are at probably zero at this point so that’s why it’s a bad example if you look at the top 10 ranking sites here on ahrefs too competitive I mean these these websites are massive and authoritative so it would be difficult so that why this is tough the volume’s high but it’s just kind of too much

different a different example here is the best modular sectional we can see this was not searched at all in 2017 2018 2019 is searched now it’s you know in the last three years it has good search volume the difficulty is a lot lower meaning this is a number from zero to 100 based on how difficult it is to rank for this that’s easier the traffic potential is 27k which is actually really high but the volume is a bit lower than best vacuum cleaners but if we look at the examples here we can see there are signs that we can Rank and

what we’re looking for here is low Authority sites on the first page ranking on Google that’s a sign that you can too so we see yes there is the yes there is Forbes however when we look at domain rating which is a number from 0 to 100 based on the authority of the site we can see there are low sites here on the first page so there’s bethr martin.

com there is as well so these are three sites with domain ratings under 40. one’s a 22 not many backlinks to it pretty new site and it’s ranking on page one getting a good amount of traffic for that keyword so that’s a good sign a newer and emerging product is easier to rank for a little bit longer tail less competition and you see low low Authority sites on the first page the other example here was tiny house kitchen ideas so low volume low difficulty again we see a few low

Authority sites here on the first page is ranking for that so this is you know you just look for these opportunities we’ll cover that and then dorm room ideas so something that is pretty good search volume eleven thousand anything over 10 I consider pretty high and like that’s worth writing for an ideas type of article and we can see here like by Sophia Lee who has a teachers blogging uh she has dorm room ideas ranking here so makes sense and she’s a 56 not that high so you’ll find

examples so every Niche is a little bit different if I just put in ideas so let’s talk about informational posts first I can put in ideas and I can look at matching terms here and I can see well here’s all the ideas in the world dinner ideas painting ideas Halloween ideas what if I made the max keyword difficulty 10 and I made it really low competition ideas post what would I find well I can see there’s things like graduation cap ideas birthday a lot of birthday party things that aren’t competitive at all I see that with like

there’s actually a lot of that so if you wanted to write about birthday party parties and celebration ideas you could probably get a ton of traffic to a site around that but you do that and then maybe you put in your Niche plus ideas so I would put in like Kitsch um living room ideas and then I could look at different things in there and I could see okay a lot of this is competitive like living room ideas is but not living room curtain ideas Farmhouse living room ideas apartment living room ideas these are all things we could rank for and

what’s interesting is informationally there’s you know different types of seed keywords that you can use in the niche so if your home blog it’s probably ideas living room kitchen ideas patio ideas but if you’re in Fitness and you’re running the fitness Niche you want to create a fitness affiliate website we’re creating these posts to get a lot of traffic they’re not going to make that affiliate Revenue but they’re going to build the business as a whole so for that it would be like exercises if

you’re in Fitness you could find matching terms there you see okay a lot of exercises are somewhat competitive but what if we put the keyword difficulty down to Max 20 and then we look at the results for that and we can see that okay maybe I could rank for tricep dumbbell exercises that has good search volume trigger finger exercises that’s interesting push exercises jawline exercises pull for so you find them by filtering that out or it could be workouts you put that keyword difficulty Max to 20 show results and you can see what all

these workouts I could write thigh workouts upper ab workouts a lot of things low competition you just got to look for it and find it uh one another interesting one in information is like how to so I can search for how to do stuff um for me like there’s everything how to screenshot on a Mac is one of the most popular ones how to lose weight all of that what if I put in like how to start a business very competitive but you can start to find these ideas start a YouTube channels less how to start a conversation with a girl start your own

business Drop Shipping so how to’s are also interesting another one that you would look at if you’re a food blog informationally would be recipes that’s why they make so much ad Revenue with those is because they’re writing all kinds of different recipes and I’ll put like Max 30s see what comes up in different recipes endless amount so you could do like chuck roast recipes 60 000 searches a month cube steak recipes shredded chicken recipes kielbasa flank steak if you had a recipe Food blog you

know you for food you would probably like affiliate opportunities would be like Gadgets in the kitchen expensive items in the home things that can help you the products to cook but then mainly it’s recipes that’s the informational intent of that Niche so you could rank for a lot of recipes that way so that’s a little bit about informational content now let’s talk about transactional affiliate articles so the example I had here before was best modular sectionals but how do we find these opportunities

for affiliate Revenue well we put in best plus our niche so I could try best kitchen and then I could look at different matching terms that include the term best kitchen with other things I could then filter this down I can see if I make the keyword Max keyword difficulty something like 25 and I just do the results there I’ll be able to see different opportunities so things like kitchen towels see how Kitchen Nightmares episodes is in here and the difficulty is so low because things that are not very monetizable are going to be lower so

things that can make more money are going to have more competition more people writing the Articles around it you have to find your sweet spot in the middle where you can still rank for these things that are newer things so there’s kitchen rugs kitchen torch kitchen gifts kitchen shoes kitchen mats lots of things what about like uh faucet best kitchen faucet best touchless kitchen faucet is a great one right there pretty expensive probably it’s the one that you touch 1000 search volume low difficulty and

you can do this in any Niche like fishing you search for best fishing and then you just look and see the difficulty in what you can rank for so you can see things like best braided fishing line best sunglasses for fishing fishing line best bass fishing line reels boats lures you find all these opportunities and it’s just giving you what to write what articles to create for your blog golf clubs bags grips drivers irons you could just keep going on and on kayaking best kayaking best you know inflatable kayak fishing kayak amazing

hot tub I mean any anything that you think about Amazon you can create you just have to stay in one Niche but you create this content best you know hot tub for money best hot tub covers Plug and Play Hot Tub the list is really endless but you find them with best and then we start stack ranking these keywords based on what will make us the most affiliate Revenue so that includes what is the search volume what is the competition how do you how well do you think you can Rank and then what is the affiliate what I call the affiliate

Revenue potential this is something that takes a little bit of brain power that’s not in one of these tools how much affiliate money can you make and typically that’s how expensive is the product that you’re promoting and then what is the commission rate of that company so if I’m talking about a five thousand dollar hot tub and I have a 10 commission from that hot tub company well then that’s 500 every single time someone is buying something from me so we don’t want to be going after you know

promoting things that are cheap a pair of socks paper clips best paper clips of 2023 that doesn’t sound all that exciting but if you have something that is worth more money you just have to live in the zone of understanding this stuff because everything that’s been around forever and can make people money is very competitive but there’s new products emerging all the time so that’s the key in the heart and soul of your affiliate marketing business is finding keywords being on The Cutting Edge and finding
this stuff so for example I did this with my own I did best software I put that in and then I looked at you know what was emerging what was new a lot of it was very competitive but I I got in early so timing is a crucial component of this too one I did was like best uh podcast hosting so I rank for that now somewhere and it’s like the difficulty is now 56.
uh it’s pretty tough to rank for but if you look at it I’m on page one for that you know and I make 9 000 plus dollars a month from that usually nine to thirteen thousand dollars a month because I’ve been recurring and making income so it’s finding and spotting Trends sometimes even even the keywords aren’t even in a traps or a tool like this you’d have to go to Google Trends to spot something and this is where your personal brand Niche selection knowing what you’re talking about really helps because you might know a certain area and have expertise

and find affiliate marketing opportunities before anyone else and that’s the key too like knowing about what you’re talking about can actually help you rank for stuff because you know about it and write about it way earlier than other people do so we can stack rank these keywords just add them into a spreadsheet put some information on them and just keep them in one place you have them you know ready to use so we have keywords but now what do we do well successful articles that make money they’re assembled not written they’re

not written generally and creatively and now they’re all different they’re all pretty much the same and this is what I call the content assembly line method so here’s the truth not every single article you write is going to rank maybe 20 of them will rank so 80 of your time is going to be spent on articles that don’t rank so how do we maximize our efficiency to create much content as we can high quality content not poor quality content but good content where we’re actually moving on creating more

articles and not being perfectionists I remember when I started my blog I spent two weeks on an article because I thought it was amazing it was about human nature and human potential and why we don’t live up to our potential and it was a good article but I’ve since deleted it from my site because it didn’t get any traffic no one gave a it wasn’t optimized for keywords so the content assembly line method is thinking like Henry Ford your blog is like Henry Ford or like McDonald’s you need to master the process of content

creation yourself have a system and a process for it and you can do that before you Outsource it to another writer this is why an affiliate marketing business is great because it’s the one type of business that doesn’t require your direct input I created YouTube videos because I want to expand my business and personal brand outside of blogging but you don’t have to do that you can if you want to go to like seven eight figures but if you want to stay in six figures you just create a blog but we need

create a replicable process for Content creation because we’re busy we might have kids we have responsibilities we have a we all all of us most of us probably start a blog with a full-time job like I did so how do we do this well first is we create a minimum viable post an MVP something that’s good enough move on so if I’m creating the best modular sectionals article I’m not going to create the 25 best and look up everything like write the perfect review I’ll start with five or I’ll start with

seven and then I’ll create a good enough article that’s long enough based on the competition that’s optimized for on-page SEO that can rank but I’m not going to be perfect I’m not going to make it 10 000 words long we can also use Ai and SEO tools so things like Surfer SEO which is definitely recommended the first one I actually really recommend that you buy at an ongoing basis I’ll cover that but things that tell you exactly how to do this on page SEO then we have the same format of these

articles then we publish it we let Google index it and then we can always go back and update blog posts so blog post should be updated every like three to six months or so and that depends on the niche if it’s really evergreen or not and we have we add eventually we add unique content to it things like those content blocks I showed you your own unique take maybe infographic a video something that you know can be added over the course of a year or two later on but we have to make it eventually unique rewrite the intro make it better

for human beings so we start with a minimum viable post optimized for SEO and then over time we update this and that is the key to ranking this content so first we have to talk about the article structure in on-page SEO so there’s a lot of different factors here there’s the URL there’s your headline there’s intros there’s blocks there’s content so how do we lay it all out well first we talk about the URL the URL of your blog post is really the only thing that you can’t change so we put that

Target keyword into the URL and no other things so you don’t add like the full title into that URL you don’t add the year because the year will change and then you have to change your URL the URL is the only thing you can’t change because what if like you change it but you have links pointing to it now those are 404 broken links or you get backlinks from other sites to you so that needs to stay the same everything else the title the content everything inside of it can change really there’s different things for on-page SEO there’s

title there’s your blog title headings content meta descriptions and then you can use different tools you can use like rank math to cover some of these bases you can use Moz to check your title tag to make sure it’s not truncated and it’s the right length and it looks good but you can do that you also want to probably have a table of contents because easy navigation people clicking around being able to access stuff easy to navigate blog posts are good for SEO because it keeps people engaged it keeps

them longer dwell time maybe a lower bounce rate and things like that let me talk about affiliate content blocks so these should eventually be added to all your posts they don’t need to be added right away and these bring eyeballs to your links you get more clicks on your affiliate links you can make more money and these can be created with cadence or tool X Specter as well but there’s a basic structure that we’ll cover so we’ll run through a few examples here of exactly how posts should be laid out but

there’s an H1 heading intro H2S h3s and it’s a templatized Content assembly line method so first I’m going to show my own site this is my article on the best webinar software of April 2023 I changed that every month and then what we have here is an introduction and this includes the target keyword webinar software or best webinar software right here as well that’s in the Target the title so the title should be number plus plus your target keyword plus what I call search intent trigger words this is

kind of like click bait but being more helpful so you want to add some stuff to get people to click because higher click-through rates on the Google search results can also help you odd numbers typically work better than even numbers as well for some reason now I have a five column across block section you can do this or not I didn’t have this for the first like year year and a half of this article so it’s not a big deal you could do a top three even these are affiliate links here going to the site but here we have we have an

introduction very simple you want to give uh some information basically with an affiliate list post for on-page SEO like this the goal is to cover your bases so that when someone reads this they feel like they got all the bases covered and they understand everything but the big thing here is this is the format this is your first H2 heading so H2 is the second most important type of heading next to your H1 so H2 includes what is the plus your target keyword what is the best webinar software and we write this because this

is how Google likes to read stuff if everything was just paragraph text on the page Google wouldn’t understand what’s most important or how to organize stuff or pull it into a featured snippet or where to rank it or any of that stuff so this is uh the best format for it is H2 and then we have the answers to this question so the answers are h3s which is the title of the company this is an H3 heading so this is number one which is livestorm I had a sentence here that it you know is kind of gives it what it’s

best for as a high level overview of someone skimming because people honestly skim these articles they don’t read every single word especially when it comes to this they want to just click through on the affiliate links learn a little bit about it but I give my take you know this is also a new section that we created this is an affiliate link and then we have you know the content of the actual review so we have a little bit of paragraph content you’ll see that the link was added here we have images and

then we have features we have user experience we have pricing so we go over the pricing what it costs what I like and dislike product recent product updates a call to action sentence you know you can get started for free and upgrade to a Premium plan and then a button so these are all easy to create In Cadence blocks but once we’re done with that we have this information um it’s the exact same thing for number two three four five and six so this is these are actually longer and I started with probably half this length of

content for each company but over time over the years we update it and add more content and make it a little bit better now here’s the question do you have to use every single product in your affiliate list post the answer is no but this is again going back to where personal branding and Niche selection come in I was in the software world for a little while I used a lot of these tools I was a um I worked in the tech World in Austin so I had a lot of experience here and with software you can even free trial the software and

like look at stuff and test it out a little bit ultimately we want to create the most helpful content possible so Google created what’s called The Helpful content update in 2022 and really it’s like anything that’s not adding to the conversation or making things more you know valuable is not going to be ranked as well so you can’t just like pull features from livestorm.

com pull the exact same thing that used to work you could just pull features from the website some competitor sites put it in here rewrite it make it your own a little bit maybe test it a little bit but that’s just not working as well anymore so you really have to you know this is where your Niche expertise comes in now I’m not saying if you’re a photography blogger or you want to make money via affiliate marketing for like camcorders so you have to go buy Seventeen five thousand dollar cameras that’s not realistic and when you look

at the internet and see who’s ranking for this stuff like Tom’s guide CNET they’re not they’re they have thousands and thousands of products on their website they’re literally not testing every single one it’s the unfortunate truth of the internet which is you know reviews are based on ranking SEO if you’re really SEO and strategy not necessarily always what’s the best but it’s a templatized way to do it let’s look at another example best rock climbing shoes of 2023 this is

Switchback travel which is a outdoor site they talk about all kinds of stuff but we see introduction some of their top picks at the top so that’s easy to click through the affiliate links and then the best overall you know number one down the line number two and again it has the sentence about what it’s best for I like this layout better than mine they probably have more money than me and they you know they spend a lot more content but you know you you make do with what you can and these are affiliate links so anytime someone

clicks through and purchases this shoe 219 shoe they get a commission from Back Country so similar layout uh there’s another one here from Gizmodo the best vegan protein powders introduction top picks and then all of this information now you’ll see sometimes like with very specific stuff like television supplements things that have a lot of facts they have a lot of different layouts here with um columns and rows and so you can get creative with it again when you’re first starting you don’t need any of this

fancy stuff you can just literally have H2 what is the best H3 numbered list of the companies or products and then paragraph text just make sure you’re covering what kind of features what kind of things should be covered in that product review here’s another one the 25 best luxury watches for men show up in style in 2023 I’m not super fancy so I don’t really care about what I look like that much um so we see there’s also ads in this post so affiliate marketing is great because you can also have ads on your

affiliate articles if you want sometimes it makes sense sometimes it doesn’t if it’s a really profitable affiliate article probably and it doesn’t get a ton of traffic but it makes a ton of affiliate Revenue probably doesn’t make sense to have ads because if you’re making a few grand and then you make 20 more in ads it just distracts people but you can have both and this is again the top overall picks going to very much luxury watches the number one which price is only available upon request

which means we know it’s very very expensive probably and also just a quick note on these how-to or informational posts they’re pretty much formatted and written the exact same way so like here’s my post on how to start a blog and as you see the internet is lists people love lists people understand information in a list format so even the info content the recipes the exercises the how to do things those informational posts that can make you add revenue and link to your affiliate posts they’re

pretty much formatted the same way too introduction and then a number of different steps now when you’re writing a how-to guide you can actually add affiliate links in a slightly different way so I would add them as part of the process of doing the thing that you’re doing so any website that is making affiliate Revenue has these two types of posts informational and transactional so how to do stuff and then the products you need to do those things so when we’re talking about how to you would add it like this a little bit more naturally

in the content here’s the steps to set up your blog this is exactly how you do it with Bluehost so sign up here click that link so you write it but also as we see here a how-to guide is also a numbered list of different steps in a process so again it’s just what are the steps what’s the most helpful how do we have table of contents in that so it’s a similar process to write these kinds of Articles as well so let’s talk about speeding up the content creation process with AI so there’s a lot of new AI tools

on the market that can help us we don’t have to write as much anymore it’s great so here’s what I reckon here some of the tools I recommend I’m gonna go through them one by one so chat GPT obviously everyone knows that one this is not great for like writing full articles but it’s best for ideation so coming up with ideas and that’s things like keyword ideas you can do topical Authority mapping so give me article ideas based around this keyword that’ll cover my topical map and make me look like an SEO
expert they can come up with titles outlines and then really short articles simple ones that you can edit but it’s great for ideation coming up with ideas another one is Jasper so this is in-depth content creation so this is you know built on top of AI tools to help you with your content creation this is best for manual AI content so yes it has a ways to write content itself but you have to do a little bit more work on your end to give it the right inputs make sure that it’s formatted correctly give it the right recipe and work on it

that way and then probably edit it a good amount so it’s not uh you know looks like AI content another one is content at scale so this is the best for Rapid content creation so this is the best one where basically all you do is you put in here’s my keyword this is how long I want the article to be a few check boxes here and there you hit enter and then it will in about five minutes or so finish the article for you and it’s pretty much done and then you put it through an SEO tool like server SEO so this is the must have one the

real software costs that I recommend after web hosting so for a real affiliate marketing business if you have no money to start a business then you shouldn’t start this affiliate marketing business because it doesn’t take much we’re not starting a brick and mortar business we don’t have inventory and overhead and rent and employees like most traditional businesses do we can start a business online in this affiliate business that makes 90 profit margins for twenty dollars a month or whatever it is but we have to you know

people ask me a lot how much does hrefs cost well

This post first appeared on My Personal Blog, please read the originial post: here

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The Ultimate Guide to Affiliate Marketing: How to Monetize Your Website and Maximize Your Earnings
