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Reasons Behind Hair Loss In Monsoon And How To Prevent It

No doubt that monsoon makes one feel happy, refreshed, and alive after the extreme summer heat, but this is also the season when your hair tends to break and fall a little more than the other seasons. This is because the rainy season weakens the hair follicles and accelerates hair fall. You can prevent excessive hair fall if you follow the correct measures and pamper your hair carefully and in the right direction. But before that, you need to understand the reasons behind hair loss in monsoon. Why does hair fall increase in the rainy season?

Don’t worry! We are here to make you know the reasons for excessive hair fall during monsoon.

Why does Hair Fall Increase in Monsoon?

Usually, nutrition deficiency, incorrect hair care routine, heat styling tools, unhealthy lifestyle, artificial treatments, and health issues lead to hair loss. Typically, people lose approximately 50-100 hair daily, but during the monsoons, the number goes up to about 200-300 or even more in the worst cases. In the rainy season, the air is high in humidity and stickiness. The increased moisture percentage in the environment causes excessive hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss in Monsoon

  • The moisture in the atmosphere causes the hair to absorb hydrogen. The chemical structure of the hair is usually sensitive to airborne hydrogen, and the absorption of excessive hydrogen makes it fragile and brittle and leads to hair loss.
  • The weather makes the hair swell until the smooth cuticle erupts and makes it prone to breakage. In addition, the humidity makes the scalp deprive of natural moisture and nutrients and leads to weaker, dry roots.
  • When your hair gets wet in the rainwater, the moisture weakens the hair follicles and causes the hair to tangle, thus leading to hair fall.
  • Acidic rainwater also increases the risk of infection, bacteria, and fungus that causes the scalp to be itchy and hair loss to occur. Other rainy season hair fall reasons are lice and dandruff.

How to Prevent Hair Fall in Monsoon?

To prevent hair loss during the monsoon season, follow these simple tips:

  1. Keep your scalp clean: Regularly wash your hair to remove dirt, excess oil, and sweat from the scalp. Use a mild shampoo suitable for your hair type and scalp condition. Avoid using hot water as it can strip the hair of natural oils.
  1. Dry your hair correctly: After washing your hair, make sure to dry it thoroughly. Avoid going to bed with wet hair, which can lead to fungal or bacterial infections. Use a soft towel or a hairdryer on the lowest heat setting to gently dry your hair.
  1. Maintain good hair hygiene: Avoid touching your hair frequently, as it can transfer dirt and oil from your hands to your scalp. Use a clean comb or brush and avoid sharing them with others to prevent spreading infections.
  1. Oil massage: Regularly massage your scalp with warm oil to nourish the hair follicles and improve blood circulation. Opt for oils like coconut, almond, or olive oil, which have moisturizing and antimicrobial properties.
  1. Keep your scalp dry: Excessive moisture can weaken the hair and make it prone to breakage. Keep your scalp dry using an umbrella, raincoat, or hat when it rains outside. If your hair gets wet, dry it as soon as possible.
  1. Eat a balanced diet: Ensure you have a nutritious diet that includes foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Consume many fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and legumes. Nutrients like iron, zinc, and vitamin D are vital for healthy hair.
  1. Stay hydrated: Drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated, including your scalp and hair. Sufficient hydration helps maintain the health and moisture balance of the scalp.
  1. Minimize heat styling: Avoid excessive use of heat styling tools like straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers. Heat can damage the hair and make it more susceptible to breakage. If you must use heat styling tools, apply a heat protectant spray beforehand.
  1. Protect your hair from pollutants: Monsoons can bring pollutants and contaminants into the air. Protect your hair by covering it with a scarf or hat when you’re outside to minimize exposure to contaminants.
  1. Manage stress: Stress can contribute to hair loss. Practice stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in activities that help you relax and unwind.

In the Final Analysis

If you experience persistent or excessive hair loss despite following the above preventive measures, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist or a trichologist for proper evaluation and guidance.

They can suggest hair transplant surgery as a permanent solution. However,  if you are worried about not having enough donor hair for the procedure, a body hair transplant is a good option for you as it provides a more definitive hair design, quick recovery time, and negligible scarring. In addition, the process is considered extremely simple and safe.   

The post Reasons Behind Hair Loss In Monsoon And How To Prevent It appeared first on Glance Daily.

This post first appeared on Glance Daily, please read the originial post: here

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Reasons Behind Hair Loss In Monsoon And How To Prevent It


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