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How to Choose the Best Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS) Provider for Your Business

  • NaaS is a cloud-based model that provides networking services without requiring physical network infrastructure. NaaS can offer benefits such as lower costs, higher scalability, faster deployment, and improved security.
  • To choose the best NaaS provider, you need to consider factors such as pricing, features, support, and reviews. You also need to follow best practices such as defining your network goals and requirements, researching and comparing different NaaS providers, requesting a free trial or demo, and asking for references and case studies.
  • The article compares some of the top NaaS providers in the market, such as Cisco, Cloudflare, and NinjaOne, and evaluates them based on various criteria. The article also provides some FAQs and a disclaimer for the information provided.

Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS) is a cloud-based model that allows businesses to access networking services without owning, building, or maintaining their own network infrastructure. NaaS can offer many benefits, such as lower costs, higher scalability, faster deployment, and improved security.

However, not all NaaS providers are created equal. Some may offer more features, better performance, or lower prices than others. Some may also have more experience, expertise, or reputation in the industry. Therefore, choosing the best NaaS provider for your business needs can be a challenging task.

In this article, we will help you find the best NaaS provider for your business by comparing some of the top NaaS providers in the market and evaluating them based on various criteria. We will also provide some tips and best practices on how to choose the right NaaS provider for your specific requirements and goals.

What is NaaS and Why Do You Need It?

NaaS stands for Network-as-a-Service, which is a type of cloud service that delivers networking functions and capabilities over the internet. With NaaS, you don’t have to invest in buying, installing, or maintaining physical network devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, or load balancers. Instead, you can use software-based solutions that are hosted and managed by a third-party provider.

NaaS can help you simplify and automate your network operations and achieve the outcomes you expect from your network without having to deal with the complexity and hassle of traditional network models. Some of the benefits of using NaaS include:

  • Lower costs: You can save money on hardware purchases, maintenance fees, power consumption, and staff training. You can also pay only for what you use and scale up or down as your needs change.
  • Higher scalability: You can easily add or remove network resources and services as your business grows or shrinks. You can also access global network coverage and connectivity without having to build your own infrastructure.
  • Faster deployment: You can provision and configure network services in minutes rather than days or weeks. You can also leverage the latest technologies and innovations without having to upgrade your hardware or software.
  • Improved security: You can benefit from the advanced security features and policies of your NaaS provider. You can also encrypt your network traffic and protect your data from unauthorized access or attacks.

How to Choose the Best NaaS Provider for Your Business

There are many NaaS providers in the market today, offering different types of network services and solutions. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • Cisco: Cisco is one of the leading providers of networking products and services in the world. Cisco offers a comprehensive portfolio of NaaS solutions under its Cisco+ brand, which includes Cisco SD-WAN (software-defined wide area network), Cisco Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), Cisco Umbrella (cloud security), Cisco Webex (unified communications), and more.
  • Cloudflare: Cloudflare is a cloud platform that provides various services for enhancing the performance and security of websites and applications. Cloudflare also offers a range of NaaS solutions under its Cloudflare One brand, which includes Cloudflare Access (zero trust network access), Cloudflare Magic WAN (SD-WAN), Cloudflare Magic Firewall (cloud firewall), Cloudflare Teams (remote work), and more.
  • NinjaOne: NinjaOne is a cloud-based platform that provides a suite of tools for managing IT infrastructure and operations. NinjaOne also offers a NaaS solution called NinjaOne Network Services (NNS), which includes NinjaOne SD-WAN (SD-WAN), NinjaOne SASE (SASE), NinjaOne VPN (virtual private network), NinjaOne Firewall (firewall), NinjaOne DNS (domain name system), and more.

To choose the best NaaS provider for your business, you need to consider several factors, such as:

  • Pricing: You need to compare the pricing plans and models of different NaaS providers and see which one offers the best value for your budget. You also need to check if there are any hidden fees or charges that may increase your total cost of ownership.
  • Features: You need to evaluate the features and capabilities of different NaaS providers and see which one meets your current and future network needs. You also need to check if there are any limitations or restrictions that may affect your network performance or functionality.
  • Support: You need to assess the level and quality of support that different NaaS providers offer and see which one provides the best customer service and technical assistance. You also need to check if there are any SLAs (service level agreements) or guarantees that ensure your network availability or reliability.
  • Reviews: You need to read the reviews and testimonials of other customers who have used different NaaS providers and see what they have to say about their experience and satisfaction. You also need to check if there are any complaints or issues that may indicate potential problems or risks.

Best Practices for Choosing a NaaS Provider

To help you choose the best NaaS provider for your business, here are some best practices that you should follow:

  • Define your network goals and requirements: Before you start looking for a NaaS provider, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with your network and what you need from your network service. You should also consider your current network infrastructure and challenges and how you want to improve or transform them.
  • Research and compare different NaaS providers: Once you have defined your network goals and requirements, you should do some research and compare different NaaS providers that offer the services and solutions that match your needs. You should also look for unbiased and reliable sources of information, such as industry reports, analyst reviews, or customer feedback.
  • Request a free trial or demo: Before you commit to a NaaS provider, you should request a free trial or demo of their service and see how it works in practice. You should also test the service on different devices, locations, and scenarios and evaluate its performance, functionality, and usability.
  • Ask for references and case studies: Before you sign a contract with a NaaS provider, you should ask for references and case studies of other customers who have used their service and see how they have benefited from it. You should also contact these customers and ask them about their experience and satisfaction with the service.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: What are some examples of NaaS services?

Answer: Some examples of NaaS services are:

  • SD-WAN: SD-WAN is a type of network service that uses software to dynamically route network traffic over multiple paths, such as broadband, LTE, or MPLS. SD-WAN can improve network performance, reliability, and security while reducing costs and complexity.
  • SASE: SASE is a type of network service that combines network and security functions into a unified cloud-based platform. SASE can provide secure access to any application or resource from any device or location while simplifying network management and operations.
  • VPN: VPN is a type of network service that creates a secure tunnel between two or more devices over the internet. VPN can protect network traffic from interception, manipulation, or censorship while enabling remote access to private networks or resources.

Question: What are the advantages of NaaS over traditional network models?

Answer: Some of the advantages of NaaS over traditional network models are:

  • Lower costs: NaaS can reduce the upfront and ongoing costs of owning, building, or maintaining physical network infrastructure. NaaS can also offer flexible pricing models based on usage or subscription.
  • Higher scalability: NaaS can enable easy and fast scaling of network resources and services as business needs change. NaaS can also offer global network coverage and connectivity without having to build or manage physical infrastructure.
  • Faster deployment: NaaS can enable quick and easy provisioning and configuration of network services without having to install or configure hardware or software. NaaS can also leverage the latest technologies and innovations without having to upgrade or update existing infrastructure.
  • Improved security: NaaS can provide advanced security features and policies that are managed by the provider. NaaS can also encrypt network traffic and protect data from unauthorized access or attacks.

Read more: NaaS vs Traditional Networking: Which One is Better for Your Business? (

Question: How to measure the quality and performance of a NaaS provider?

Answer: Some of the metrics and indicators that can be used to measure the quality and performance of a NaaS provider are:

  • Availability: Availability is the percentage of time that a network service is operational and accessible. A high availability indicates a reliable and consistent service that minimizes downtime or disruption.
  • Latency: Latency is the amount of time that it takes for a data packet to travel from one point to another on a network. A low latency indicates a fast and responsive service that delivers optimal user experience.
  • Throughput: Throughput is the amount of data that can be transferred over a network in a given period of time. A high throughput indicates a high-capacity and efficient service that supports high-volume data transfer.
  • Security: Security is the degree of protection that a network service provides against threats such as cyberattacks, data breaches, or malware. A high security indicates a robust and resilient service that safeguards data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.


NaaS is a cloud-based model that allows businesses to access networking services without owning, building, or maintaining their own network infrastructure. NaaS can offer many benefits, such as lower costs, higher scalability, faster deployment, and improved security.

However, choosing the best NaaS provider for your business needs can be a challenging task. You need to consider several factors, such as pricing, features, support, and reviews. You also need to follow some best practices, such as defining your network goals and requirements, researching and comparing different.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. The article is based on the research and comparison of different NaaS providers as of the date of publication and may not reflect the most current or accurate information. The article does not endorse or recommend any specific NaaS provider or service and does not guarantee the quality or performance of any NaaS provider or service. The article is not intended to influence or persuade any decision or action regarding NaaS providers or services. The article is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information or for any consequences arising from the use of the information. The reader is solely responsible for verifying the information and making their own independent judgment and assessment of NaaS providers and services. The reader should consult with a qualified professional before making any decision or taking any action regarding NaaS providers or services.

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How to Choose the Best Networking-as-a-Service (NaaS) Provider for Your Business
