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Three ISWAP Commanders and 57 Fighters are taken as prisoner in Borno by Boko Haram


Bandits attack a school in Plateau, killing instructors and injuring others.

According to intelligence acquired by The Guardian, Boko Haram militants captured 60 ISWAP troops in Borno State, including three commanders.continue Reading 

Zagazola Makama, a security analyst and counter-insurgency expert in Lake Chad, wrote on his social media platform yesterday that the most recent power struggle between the two terrorist organizations took place on Monday in the Kukawa-Madayi-Kwatan/Mota axis of the state.

He described the commanders as Abubakar Saddiq, Abou Maimuna, and Malam Idris, saying they were ISWAP terrorists who had been captured in Borno while traveling to Damascus.

In the most recent development, he asserted, the Boko Haram Buduma groups had the upper hand over ISWAP, which led to the capture of the vast majority of ISWAP strongholds.

He asserted that there were fierce celebrations following the transformation in Boko Haram camps.

They compelled them (ISWAP) to seek safety in more secure hiding locations in the Kukawa, Madayi, and Kwatan Mota axis, he continued.

"On August 13, 2023, Boko Haram factions intercepted 60 ISWAP terrorists on their way to Damascus, among them three significant commanders: Abubakar Saddiq, Abou Maimuna, and Malam Idris. The inmates were later transported to a POW facility in Kwatan Mota, a town close to Dogon Chukwu, where they were housed in an underground cell.

Meanwhile, as part of Operation Hadin Kai (OPHK), around 78 Boko Haram militants and their families have turned themselves in to Sector 3 MNJTF (Multinational Joint Task Force) soldiers in Borno's Monguno Local Council.

According to the MNJTF, the Sambisa Forest troops destroyed the terrorists' camps, which forced the militants and their families to turn themselves up.

Infighting between ISWAP and Boko Haram has resulted in the deaths of nearly 100 terrorists from both sides in the last week, Makama stated yesterday in Maiduguri.

The terrorist groups, he claimed, were at war with one another and frequently attacked everyone they came across, including women and children.

This post first appeared on Bendelnews, please read the originial post: here

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Three ISWAP Commanders and 57 Fighters are taken as prisoner in Borno by Boko Haram
