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Explosions end 2nd test flight of SpaceX’s new mega rocket

Explosions End 2nd Test Flight Of SpaceX’s New Mega Rocket

SpaceX's mega rocket Starship exploded during its second test flight, losing both the booster and the spacecraft. The self-destruct system blew up the ship over the Gulf of Mexico, while the booster had exploded minutes earlier. The eight-minute flight was longer than the first test in April, which also ended in an explosion. The goal of Starship, the largest and most powerful rocket ever built, is to ferry people to the moon and Mars. The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the incident, and SpaceX cannot launch another Starship until the review is complete. NASA is relying on Starship to land astronauts on the moon by 2025.

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Explosions end 2nd test flight of SpaceX’s new mega rocket
