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Sam Altman’s last days as OpenAI CEO gave no indication trouble was brewing

Sam Altman’s Last Days As OpenAI CEO Gave No Indication Trouble Was Brewing

Sam Altman, former CEO of OpenAI, was abruptly ousted from his position, leaving the tech community shocked. Altman had been a prominent figure in the field of generative AI, particularly after the success of OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot. Prior to his departure, Altman had been actively involved in promoting AI and advocating for regulation. OpenAI, which had recently been valued at $86 billion, cited a loss of confidence in Altman's leadership as the reason for his dismissal. Mira Murati, the chief technology officer, has been named as the interim CEO. Altman's departure was unexpected and likened to Steve Jobs' firing from Apple in 1985.

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Sam Altman’s last days as OpenAI CEO gave no indication trouble was brewing
