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OpenAI investors pushing to bring Altman back as CEO one day after he was ousted by board

OpenAI Investors Pushing To Bring Altman Back As CEO One Day After He Was Ousted By Board

OpenAI investors, including Microsoft and Thrive Capital, are reportedly pushing to reinstate Sam Altman as CEO, just one day after he was ousted by the board. Altman is said to be "ambivalent" about returning and would demand governance changes. OpenAI, known for its ChatGPT chatbot, has become a highly valued startup, with recent talks of selling employee shares at a valuation of $86 billion. Microsoft, a major investor in OpenAI, was surprised by Altman's firing. The company also removed Chairman Greg Brockman from his board leadership position, but he later announced his resignation.

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OpenAI investors pushing to bring Altman back as CEO one day after he was ousted by board
