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Zoos Orchestrate Breeding Program To Help Bolster The Andean Bear Species’ Population

Zoos Orchestrate Breeding Program To Help Bolster The Andean Bear Species’ Population

Two zoos in the UK and the US have introduced Andean bears, known as "Paddington Bears," in an effort to save the species from extinction. The Chester Zoo in England has introduced Oberon, a male bear, to a female bear named Pacha, while the Nashville Zoo in Tennessee has welcomed a male bear named Pinocchio. The breeding program aims to bolster the dwindling population of the threatened Andean bear species, which is classified as vulnerable to extinction by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. The bears face threats from deforestation and human conflicts in their native habitats in South America.

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Zoos Orchestrate Breeding Program To Help Bolster The Andean Bear Species’ Population
