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Astronauts ‘Shoot’ For the Moon, Trying Out New Camera Made For Space in the Lunar-Like Terrain of Spain

Astronauts ‘Shoot’ For The Moon, Trying Out New Camera Made For Space In The Lunar-Like Terrain Of Spain

Astronauts from the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA's Artemis imagery team have tested a new high-tech camera, the Handheld Universal Lunar Camera (HULC), in the lunar-like landscapes of Lanzarote, Spain. The camera, built from off-the-shelf cameras with modifications from NASA, is designed for use by astronauts on future missions to the Moon. It features great sensitivity to light, state-of-the-art lenses, and ergonomic buttons for easy use with bulky gloves. The camera will also record videos and provide situational awareness to ground teams during lunar exploration. It will undergo additional testing on the International Space Station.

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Astronauts ‘Shoot’ For the Moon, Trying Out New Camera Made For Space in the Lunar-Like Terrain of Spain
