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UP Govt Mulls Statewide Ban on Halal Products After FIR Against Several Firms

UP Govt Mulls Statewide Ban On Halal Products After FIR Against Several Firms

The Uttar Pradesh government is considering a statewide ban on halal-certified products after several organizations were booked for providing forged certificates to retailers. Lucknow police filed a case against Halal India Private Limited, Jamiat Ullema Hind Halal Trust, Halal Council of India, and Jamiat Ullema for exploiting religious sentiments. The complaint alleges a criminal conspiracy to decrease sales of non-halal certified products, potentially supporting anti-social and anti-national elements. The case has been registered under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including criminal conspiracy and promoting enmity between different groups.

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UP Govt Mulls Statewide Ban on Halal Products After FIR Against Several Firms
