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‘Gizmo Caca!’: 15 Trivia Tidbits About ‘Gremlins’

‘Gizmo Caca!’: 15 Trivia Tidbits About ‘Gremlins’

The news article discusses various trivia tidbits about the iconic movie franchise "Gremlins." It reveals that the idea for the movie came from Chris Columbus, who was inspired by a 1943 book called "The Gremlins." Steven Spielberg bought the script and decided to keep the character Gizmo as the hero's pal, which made a significant difference. The article also mentions the challenges faced by the actors in working with Gizmo and how the sequel, "Gremlins 2," was intended to be a parody of sequels. Despite claims of being "sequel-proof," a third "Gremlins" film has been stuck in development.

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‘Gizmo Caca!’: 15 Trivia Tidbits About ‘Gremlins’
