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Disney’s box office problems ramp up pressure on CEO Bob Iger and studio chief Alan Bergman

Disney’s Box Office Problems Ramp Up Pressure On CEO Bob Iger And Studio Chief Alan Bergman

Disney CEO Bob Iger has acknowledged that the pandemic has caused creative challenges for the company, leading to a decrease in focus and quality. As a result, Disney will be making fewer films, similar to a strategy Iger implemented in 2005. The company is aiming to improve organically and increase profitability, putting pressure on Iger and studio head Alan Bergman. Disney's recent box office record has been filled with misses, and activist shareholders Trian Partners and ValueAct are threatening to pressure management and the board. The company is hopeful that upcoming releases like "Wish" and blockbuster films in 2024 will help improve its performance.

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Disney’s box office problems ramp up pressure on CEO Bob Iger and studio chief Alan Bergman
