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OpenAI’s Sam Altman exits as CEO because ‘board no longer has confidence’ in his ability to lead

OpenAI’s Sam Altman Exits As CEO Because ‘board No Longer Has Confidence’ In His Ability To Lead

Sam Altman will step down as CEO of OpenAI and will be replaced by Mira Murati on an interim basis. Altman's departure comes after OpenAI's board of directors expressed a lack of confidence in his ability to lead the company, citing a lack of candor in his communications with the board. OpenAI, which has raised billions of dollars and gained popularity with its AI chatbot ChatGPT, has a long-term partnership with Microsoft, who remains committed to the company under Murati's leadership. Altman, a prominent figure in Silicon Valley, has been an advocate for AI regulation and has spoken at various global events.

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OpenAI’s Sam Altman exits as CEO because ‘board no longer has confidence’ in his ability to lead
