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Rolls-Royce shares at one-year high despite ‘defective’ engine jibes from Emirates boss

Rolls-Royce Shares At One-year High Despite ‘defective’ Engine Jibes From Emirates Boss

Shares of Rolls-Royce have reached a one-year high, climbing nearly 190% in the past year. The increase in stock price suggests that criticism of its jet engines by Emirates Airline President Tim Clark has been dismissed by the markets. Clark had disparaged the cost and maintenance of Rolls-Royce's Trent XWB-84 engines used on the Airbus A350-900 passenger jet. However, Rolls-Royce pushed back against the criticism, stating that the engine is the best in terms of efficiency, durability, and reliability. Despite the criticism, Emirates confirmed a smaller-than-expected order of 15 A350-900 jets from Airbus.

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Rolls-Royce shares at one-year high despite ‘defective’ engine jibes from Emirates boss
