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Who is Nimisha Priya, the Indian Nurse Sentenced to Death For Murder in Yemen | EXPLAINED

Who Is Nimisha Priya, The Indian Nurse Sentenced To Death For Murder In Yemen | EXPLAINED

Indian nurse Nimisha Priya has had her appeal rejected by Yemen's Supreme Court, upholding her death sentence for the murder of a Yemeni national. Priya, who has been in prison since 2017, was found guilty of killing Talal Abdo Mahdi. Her family has been campaigning for her release, with the Indian government providing consular support. Priya had been working as a nurse in Yemen while her husband and daughter returned to India in 2014. In 2015, she set up a clinic with the help of Mahdi but alleged abuse and torture by him, leading to her injecting him with sedatives, resulting in his death.

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Who is Nimisha Priya, the Indian Nurse Sentenced to Death For Murder in Yemen | EXPLAINED
