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Ethics commissioner investigating chair of federal green fund

Ethics Commissioner Investigating Chair Of Federal Green Fund

The federal ethics commissioner is investigating Annette Verschuren, the chair of the board of directors of Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), after she participated in approving over $200,000 in grants to a private firm she directs. Verschuren, who is also the CEO of NRStor Inc., confirmed her involvement in approving grants to NRStor. She receives an annual salary from NRStor in addition to her remuneration from SDTC. Verschuren defended her decision, stating that her firm was part of a group of companies that received the same level of funding during the COVID-19 pandemic. SDTC's president and CEO, Leah Lawrence, has offered her resignation amid criticism and a whistleblower complaint. The Office of the Auditor General of Canada is also launching an investigation into SDTC's spending.

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Ethics commissioner investigating chair of federal green fund
