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Robotic Hand with Bones, Ligaments and Tendons Created for First Time Using 3D Printing

Robotic Hand With Bones, Ligaments And Tendons Created For First Time Using 3D Printing

Scientists at ETH Zurich and a US startup from MIT have used 3D printing technology to create a robotic hand with bones, ligaments, and tendons made of different polymers. The polymers used can replicate the elasticity and rigidity of a human hand, making them more advanced than existing 3D-printed prosthetics. The technology allows for the printing of slow-curing plastics, which have enhanced elastic properties and are more durable and robust. The use of slow-curing polymers was made possible through the development of new technology by the researchers. The technology also allows for the easy combination of soft, elastic, and rigid materials.

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Robotic Hand with Bones, Ligaments and Tendons Created for First Time Using 3D Printing
