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Everton: Premier League deducts club 10 points for profit and sustainability rule breach

Everton: Premier League Deducts Club 10 Points For Profit And Sustainability Rule Breach

Everton has been deducted 10 points by the Premier League for breaching profit and sustainability rules. The club plans to appeal the decision, stating that the punishment is not a fair reflection of the evidence. This deduction is the largest in Premier League history and puts Everton in the relegation zone. The club admitted during a hearing that they exceeded the permitted threshold for losses under the league's rules. Prior to the deduction, Everton was in 14th place in the league table. Only two other clubs, Middlesbrough and Portsmouth, have been docked points in the Premier League's history.

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Everton: Premier League deducts club 10 points for profit and sustainability rule breach
