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Iowa Teen Has Donated 7,000 Pounds of Produce from Her Own Garden to Foodbanks in Quad Cities

Iowa Teen Has Donated 7,000 Pounds Of Produce From Her Own Garden To Foodbanks In Quad Cities

Iowa teen Lauren Schroeder grew 7,000 pounds of produce with a market value of around $15,000 and donated it all to food banks and non-profits in the Quad Cities area. She received a half-acre of land from her parents and took studies of agronomy and gardening to heart. With the help of her younger siblings, she put in 2 to 3 hours of work every day. She received grants from Future Farmers of America and plans to donate 20,000 pounds of vegetables by the time she graduates next June.

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Iowa Teen Has Donated 7,000 Pounds of Produce from Her Own Garden to Foodbanks in Quad Cities
