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Not Reporting Crime under POCSO is Bailable Offence: Himachal HC Dismisses Pre-arrest Bail Plea

Not Reporting Crime Under POCSO Is Bailable Offence: Himachal HC Dismisses Pre-arrest Bail Plea

The Himachal Pradesh High Court has ruled that failure to report crimes under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) is a bailable offence. The court stated that since the POCSO Act did not specify whether the offence is bailable or not, it had to be determined with reference to the Code of Criminal Procedure. The court referred to similar views taken in previous cases and held that the offence punishable under Section 21 of the POCSO Act is bailable. However, the court dismissed the bail application as it had been filed under the wrong section of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

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Not Reporting Crime under POCSO is Bailable Offence: Himachal HC Dismisses Pre-arrest Bail Plea
