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Kendall Jenner Blows Fake Snow All Over Los Angeles Photo Shoot Set

Kendall Jenner Blows Fake Snow All Over Los Angeles Photo Shoot Set

Kendall Jenner was seen on set for an unknown project in Los Angeles, where she pumped fake snow onto the set. It is unclear if the snow job was part of her role or if she simply wanted to try it out. Her partner, Bad Bunny, was not seen with her on set, but they were last seen together after hosting a Halloween party. Kendall is known for her various roles as a model and entrepreneur, and now she can add "making it snow in L.A." to her impressive list of accomplishments.

The post Kendall Jenner Blows Fake Snow All Over Los Angeles Photo Shoot Set appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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Kendall Jenner Blows Fake Snow All Over Los Angeles Photo Shoot Set
