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Haiti Police Rescue Women, Children as Gangs Surround Hospital, Director Says

Haiti Police Rescue Women, Children As Gangs Surround Hospital, Director Says

A gang surrounded Fontaine Hospital in Haiti's capital, trapping women, children, and newborns inside until the police rescued them. The director of the hospital, Jose Ulysse, had earlier claimed that the gangs had entered the hospital. The National Police responded to Ulysse's call for help and evacuated 40 children and 70 patients to a safer location. The hospital is located in the Cite Soleil slum, which is controlled by gangs that frequently commit violent attacks against each other and the civilians living there. Gangs have grown more powerful since the assassination of President Jovenel Moise in July 2021.

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Haiti Police Rescue Women, Children as Gangs Surround Hospital, Director Says
