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Subrata Roy: How India’s Leading Employer Got Embroiled in Controversy and Landed in Jail | EXPLAINED

Subrata Roy: How India’s Leading Employer Got Embroiled In Controversy And Landed In Jail | EXPLAINED

Subrata Roy, founder and chief of the Sahara Group, has died at the age of 75 after a prolonged illness. He built a multi-billion dollar business empire but was embroiled in controversy and legal battles for violating regulations with his Ponzi schemes. Sahara Group was ordered by the Supreme Court to return Rs 24,000 crore to investors, but Roy failed to deposit the money despite court orders. He was arrested in 2014 and sent to Tihar Jail but was later released on parole in 2017. Sahara Group was also accused of money laundering in 2017.

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Subrata Roy: How India’s Leading Employer Got Embroiled in Controversy and Landed in Jail | EXPLAINED
