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Sonic the Hedgehog helped revive 63-year-old Sega. The firm wants a repeat with its other classics

Sonic The Hedgehog Helped Revive 63-year-old Sega. The Firm Wants A Repeat With Its Other Classics

Sega is looking to replicate the success of its Sonic the Hedgehog movie adaptation by bringing more of its intellectual property to other platforms, including movies and the gaming platform Roblox. Sega's Chief Operating Officer, Shuji Utsumi, mentioned the possibility of adapting other classic IPs such as the Yakuza and Persona franchises. The company recently acquired Rovio, the maker of Angry Birds, and is open to further acquisitions. Utsumi also dismissed rumors of Microsoft's interest in buying Sega, stating that the company has no intention of being sold.

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Sonic the Hedgehog helped revive 63-year-old Sega. The firm wants a repeat with its other classics
