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Siemens Energy clinches state guarantees as it posts a 4.6 billion euro annual loss

Siemens Energy Clinches State Guarantees As It Posts A 4.6 Billion Euro Annual Loss

Siemens Energy has obtained 7.5 billion euros in state guarantees from the German government, shortly before reporting a 4.6 billion euro loss for its fiscal year. The guarantees are part of a wider package of 15 billion euros in guarantee lines agreed with banks and stakeholders. Private banks will provide a guarantee line of 12 billion euros, while Siemens Energy will secure an additional 3 billion from negotiations with other stakeholders. The guarantees aim to protect the company's customers on prepayments and execution of contracts and support its 112 billion euro order book. Siemens Energy denies that the guarantees constitute state aid.

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Siemens Energy clinches state guarantees as it posts a 4.6 billion euro annual loss
