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Good Samaritan Surprising Strangers with Kindness Every Day for 3 Years Is Crowned UK Hero with a Statue

Good Samaritan Surprising Strangers With Kindness Every Day For 3 Years Is Crowned UK Hero With A Statue

Sebbie Hall, a 20-year-old from Lichfield, has been crowned the UK's kindest person and honored with a statue near Tower Bridge in London. He has dedicated his life to helping others and founded The Sebbie Hall Kindness Foundation, which supports vulnerable youngsters. Over three years, he donated coats and blankets to homeless charities, gifted toys to children's homes, and used his own money to buy strangers coffees. Sebbie started spreading kindness during lockdown by raising money to buy laptops for classmates without access to computers. The statue will eventually be moved to his hometown of Lichfield.

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Good Samaritan Surprising Strangers with Kindness Every Day for 3 Years Is Crowned UK Hero with a Statue
