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Two 12-year-olds arrested in connection with Shawn Seesahai murder

Two 12-year-olds Arrested In Connection With Shawn Seesahai Murder

Two 12-year-old boys have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a 19-year-old man, Shawn Seesahai, was stabbed to death in Wolverhampton. The boys were arrested at their homes on Tuesday night and remain in custody. The incident occurred on Monday near East Park, and the local community is deeply concerned, prompting increased police patrols in the area. West Midlands Ambulance Service attended the scene but could not save Mr Seesahai, who was pronounced dead. Residents are now fearful for their children's safety following the incident.

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Two 12-year-olds arrested in connection with Shawn Seesahai murder
