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Nigerian woman sets Guinness World Record for longest hand-made wig

Nigerian Woman Sets Guinness World Record For Longest Hand-made Wig

Helen Williams, a wigmaker from Nigeria, has set a Guinness World Record for crafting the longest hand-made wig. The wig measures 351.28 meters (1,152 feet 5 inches) and took Williams 11 days and an investment of two million naira (£2,000: $2,500) to create. She used 1,000 bundles of hair, 12 cans of hair spray, 35 tubes of hair glue, and 6,250 hair clips. Williams expressed her disbelief at her achievement and credited determination and support from friends and family for her success. The wig has been displayed in her office for the public to see.

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Nigerian woman sets Guinness World Record for longest hand-made wig
