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Airbnb acquires AI startup for just under $200 million

Airbnb Acquires AI Startup For Just Under $200 Million

Airbnb has made its first acquisition since becoming a public company, buying AI startup Gameplanner.AI for just under $200 million. The startup, founded in 2020 and in stealth mode, will help accelerate Airbnb's AI projects. Gameplanner.AI was co-founded by Adam Cheyer, a Siri founder who later co-founded Viv Labs. Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky aims to use generative AI to improve the platform's user experience and make it a "travel concierge." This acquisition could signal a shift in Airbnb's M&A strategy and make it more attractive for potential acquisitions. Google is also reportedly in talks to invest in AI startup Character.AI.

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Airbnb acquires AI startup for just under $200 million
