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Report: 40,000 evicted from Cambodia’s Angkor temple area since 2022

Report: 40,000 Evicted From Cambodia’s Angkor Temple Area Since 2022

Cambodian authorities have evicted 40,000 people from the Angkor temple complex since 2022, claiming the need to protect the UNESCO World Heritage site, according to Amnesty International. The evictions have been characterized as voluntary by officials, but Amnesty's report reveals that residents have been subjected to intimidation, violence, and harassment. Families forced to relocate are living in poor conditions and facing unemployment, debt, and loss of possessions. UNESCO's lack of clarity on settlements and Cambodia's national law have contributed to the forced evictions. Amnesty is calling on UNESCO to condemn the evictions and demand that the Cambodian government stop them.

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Report: 40,000 evicted from Cambodia’s Angkor temple area since 2022
