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Pampore’s Saffron Harvest: A Bumper Crop Marks the Return of Kashmiri Excellence

Pampore’s Saffron Harvest: A Bumper Crop Marks The Return Of Kashmiri Excellence

The people of Pampore town in Kashmir are currently harvesting a bumper crop of saffron after a gap of five years. Climate change had previously affected their crop, but this year's favorable weather conditions resulted in a significant difference. The saffron fields have transformed into a canvas of purple, and families gather each morning to manually collect saffron threads. The saffron cultivated in Kashmir is renowned for its quality and fragrance and is considered the world's finest. The recent geographical identification tag has boosted the crop's reputation and helped combat the presence of cheap and counterfeit saffron in the market.

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Pampore’s Saffron Harvest: A Bumper Crop Marks the Return of Kashmiri Excellence
