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Poilievre looks to escalate pressure on Liberals to pass farming carbon tax exemptions

Poilievre Looks To Escalate Pressure On Liberals To Pass Farming Carbon Tax Exemptions

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is urging Canadians to pressure the Liberal government to pass a bill that would remove the carbon tax from fuels used in agricultural activities. The bill, C-234, has already passed the House of Commons and is now in the Senate. Poilievre has pledged to mount a "massive pressure campaign" to support the bill, which would exempt natural gas and propane used in irrigation, grain drying, feed preparation, and heating and cooling barns and greenhouses from the carbon tax. The government has previously stated that there will be no further exemptions to carbon pricing.

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Poilievre looks to escalate pressure on Liberals to pass farming carbon tax exemptions
