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Determined Hound Leads Owner to a Cat Stuck Down 100-foot Mine Shaft for 6 Days

Determined Hound Leads Owner To A Cat Stuck Down 100-foot Mine Shaft For 6 Days

A determined dog named Daisy led her owner to a mineshaft in Cornwall where her cat, Mowgli, had been trapped for six days. The owner had almost given up hope of finding Mowgli, but Daisy was persistent in getting her attention. After realizing what Daisy was showing her, the owner called for help, and the next morning, a rescuer pulled Mowgli out of the 100-foot mineshaft uninjured. The owner credits Daisy for saving Mowgli's life and says she was amazed by her persistence.

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Determined Hound Leads Owner to a Cat Stuck Down 100-foot Mine Shaft for 6 Days
