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‘Stickman’ on Led Zeppelin IV Accidentally Identified as Lot Long, a Thatcher from Wiltshire

‘Stickman’ On Led Zeppelin IV Accidentally Identified As Lot Long, A Thatcher From Wiltshire

Lot Long, a roof thatcher born in 1823, has been identified as the man on the cover of Led Zeppelin's IV album. The discovery was made by a researcher from the University of West England who came across an antique photo of Long stooping over a burden of sticks. The photograph is believed to be authentic and will be showcased in an exhibition next year. Led Zeppelin IV is one of the best-selling albums of all time, led by the iconic song "Stairway to Heaven."

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‘Stickman’ on Led Zeppelin IV Accidentally Identified as Lot Long, a Thatcher from Wiltshire
