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Ghanaian strike Raphael Dwamena dies during game in Albania

Ghanaian Strike Raphael Dwamena Dies During Game In Albania

Former Ghanaian striker Raphael Dwamena passed away at the age of 28 after suffering a heart attack during a match in Albania. Dwamena was the leading scorer in the Albanian league this season, scoring nine goals for his team Egnatia. He had experienced cardiac problems throughout his career, with a proposed move to Brighton falling through in 2017 due to a failed medical, and collapsing on the pitch during a game in Austria earlier this year. Dwamena underwent a heart operation in 2020 and had an automatic defibrillator implanted to allow him to continue playing. The Albanian Football Federation has postponed all games scheduled in the country this week in response to his death.

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Ghanaian strike Raphael Dwamena dies during game in Albania
