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From Khadi to Handicraft, Industry Leaders and Celebs Cheer PM Modi’s ‘Vocal for Local’ Movement

From Khadi To Handicraft, Industry Leaders And Celebs Cheer PM Modi’s ‘Vocal For Local’ Movement

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's "vocal for local" movement is gaining momentum across India, with celebrities and industry leaders praising and adopting the initiative. PM Modi called on people to prioritize local products and artisans during festivals and share selfies with them on his NaMo App. Celebrities like Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Rupali Ganguly, Anupam Kher, Varun Sharma, and Bhumi Pednekar have expressed support for the movement. PM Modi also highlighted the importance of supporting Ayurveda, stating that it is an example of being "vocal for local" and promoting wellness.

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From Khadi to Handicraft, Industry Leaders and Celebs Cheer PM Modi’s ‘Vocal for Local’ Movement
