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Delhi: Thieves Use Gas Cutter to Open ATM Kiosk After Spray-painting CCTV, Flee With Rs 5 Lakh Cash

Delhi: Thieves Use Gas Cutter To Open ATM Kiosk After Spray-painting CCTV, Flee With Rs 5 Lakh Cash

Thieves in Delhi's Moti Nagar used a gas cutter to open an ATM kiosk and stole Rs 5 lakh in cash. Before cutting the ATM, they spray-painted the CCTV camera. The police arrived at the scene and filed an FIR under IPC 457/380. This incident comes after the recent arrest of a gang suspected of multiple ATM robberies in Delhi. In a separate incident, three individuals from Bangladesh were apprehended for stealing an ATM in Pulwama. The stolen ATM was found buried in an orchard.

The post Delhi: Thieves Use Gas Cutter to Open ATM Kiosk After Spray-painting CCTV, Flee With Rs 5 Lakh Cash appeared first on Balanced News Summary.

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Delhi: Thieves Use Gas Cutter to Open ATM Kiosk After Spray-painting CCTV, Flee With Rs 5 Lakh Cash
