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Gujarat Man Robbed of Gold Worth Rs 50 Lakh He Smuggled from Dubai; Accused Posed as ATS Officials

Gujarat Man Robbed Of Gold Worth Rs 50 Lakh He Smuggled From Dubai; Accused Posed As ATS Officials

A man in Gujarat, India was robbed of gold worth Rs 50 lakh ($67,000) that he had smuggled into the country from Dubai. The victim, Danish Sheikh, flew to Dubai at the request of an acquaintance who arranged his travel and paid him to smuggle gold. Upon returning to Ahmedabad airport, two men posing as officials from the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) approached him and threatened him, claiming they knew about the smuggled gold. They then took him to an isolated location, where they forced him to hand over the gold capsules. An FIR has been filed and investigations are ongoing.

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Gujarat Man Robbed of Gold Worth Rs 50 Lakh He Smuggled from Dubai; Accused Posed as ATS Officials
