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Pro-Palestine march: Far-Right protesters detained after missiles thrown in Cenotaph clashes

Pro-Palestine March: Far-Right Protesters Detained After Missiles Thrown In Cenotaph Clashes

A large number of far-Right protesters were detained by police after clashes broke out near the Cenotaph war memorial in the UK. The protesters broke down barriers and engaged in physical battles with officers, who formed a barrier to separate them. Some protesters threw bottles and chanted derogatory remarks towards the police. A two-minute silence was held for Armistice Day, and a wreath-laying ceremony took place at the Cenotaph. The Metropolitan Police confirmed that a large group of counter-protesters was detained, and two individuals were arrested for possession of a knife and a baton.

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Pro-Palestine march: Far-Right protesters detained after missiles thrown in Cenotaph clashes
