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Native American Headdress Set to be Returned to Blackfoot Homeland After Century in UK Museum

Native American Headdress Set To Be Returned To Blackfoot Homeland After Century In UK Museum

A sacred Native American headdress, known as a 'bird bundle', is set to be returned to the Blackfoot Nation of Alberta, Canada after being exhibited in a UK museum for over a century. The headdress features eagle feathers, blue indigo bunting feathers, red-tailed hawk feathers, buffalo horns, porcupine quills, and brass bells. The item was identified as a sacred ceremonial item in 2013 by elders from the Sikiska tribe. Exeter City Councillors have decided to return the headdress, which was acquired by Edgar Dewdney, Lieutenant Governor of the Northwest Territories, in the late 19th century. The headdress will be used by the Holy Buffalo Women Society 'as originally intended'.

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Native American Headdress Set to be Returned to Blackfoot Homeland After Century in UK Museum
