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Leader of Unrecognised Political Party Has No Right to Government Accommodation: Madhya Pradesh HC

Leader Of Unrecognised Political Party Has No Right To Government Accommodation: Madhya Pradesh HC

The Madhya Pradesh High Court has ruled that the leader of an unrecognised political party has no right to government accommodation. The court dismissed a writ petition by Brijesh Gupta, president of the Jai Lok Party, who argued that his party was duly registered and therefore entitled to government housing. However, the court upheld the state government's decision to reject Gupta's request, stating that an unrecognised political party has no right to seek the allotment of a house. The court cited the definition of a political party under relevant laws and concluded that Gupta's party was not recognised at the state or national level.

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Leader of Unrecognised Political Party Has No Right to Government Accommodation: Madhya Pradesh HC
